Buried Secrets

by Jonathan Ross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781434393548
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781434393555

About the Book

Buried Secrets is a suspense novel that takes place primarily in the trendy Buckhead area of modern-day Atlanta.  The story centers around twenty-nine-year-old real estate broker Anne Houston as well as the dysfunctional Carmichael family, one of the most wealthy and powerful families in the United States.  The Carmichael family is headed by billionaire airline owner Hugh Carmichael, who has acquired most of his wealth through illegal means and lives a very extravagant lifestyle.  In contrast to the flashy Carmichaels, Anne Houston is a single mother of a one-year-old son, a woman who is struggling to escape her troubled past and make a fresh start in Atlanta.  Not long after arriving in the city, her unlikely appearance at a social gathering at a Buckhead mansion sparks a romantic relationship between herself and Hugh Carmichael, who initially leads her to believe that he is single.  Her resulting connection to the billionaire family causes her to become entangled in a web of lies and scandalous deceit involving multiple murders, two bizarre kidnappings, the glare of the national news media, and a mysterious secret that has been harbored for decades.  In addition to this, Anne is also being stalked by a psychopathic maniac who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.  With all of these obstacles threatening to bring destruction to Anne and her young son, she becomes friends with Rick Fowler, a detective for the Atlanta Police Department, who caringly helps protect and guide her through her seemingly endless maze of problems. 

About the Author

Jonathan Ross lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he is working on his next suspense novel.  He is a recent graduate of The University of Alabama.  Buried Secrets is his debut book.  You can visit him at his website at www.jrossbooks.com.