This collection of essays is a companion to "Ponder This" which discussed the assets, liabilities and concerns of the United States. This book goes beyond the assets and liabilities and provides additional emphasis on major concerns in our country. Everyone needs to be reminded of our many current concerns whether you think things are good or bad. Are we ready to face the future? There are obstacles and obstructionists in our country and worldwide that have to be met. Are we winning or are we losing our internal and external wars? There will be many concerns discussed in these brief essays and how they will affect us now and in the future. These concerns give us challenges to meet, study and resolve. There are many topics to review. Some may be important to you, others may not, but we must be ready for all of the concerns discussed.
These essays are written to remind every man or woman on the street to continue to believe in our country and in our God. Like so many of our citizens, we want to keep it free and a beacon of light for the world. We are in the process of losing our position as a superpower because of internal disunity. We have to determine if we are ready to face the obstacles ahead and not just live in the luxury of our republic. Are we ready to defend our freedom or are we going to continue our bickering while standing under a possible cloud of destruction, maybe tomorrow. In the period between the publishing of "Ponder This" in 2004 and now, there seems to be a weakening of some of our leaders. Some of the spirit of the country is losing its impetus and the President is having to stand alone. Will we never learn? Do we have to be attacked again to see the light?
It appears that many people feel our country will continue on its merry way as it has in the past. We fought two great wars and several minor wars without an attack at home until 91101. Things have always improved after these conflicts. Will this continue? Maybe. Maybe not. If the latter answer is in our minds, then we had better do something about it. Some of our leaders are living a life that portrays great things will go on forever if they are given control. They may be the obstruction for actions that are necessary to keep our country strong. Their plan is to obtain more power and then move ahead with their platform.
Many people are worried only about their own personal concerns. They think everything else will be all right after things settle down. They must think that the terrorists will give up the fight and our spending will be taken care of by some financial endeavor, by our economy and/or our government. Our children and our grandchildren will have wonderful days ahead of them, just as we have been so blessed. We will not have to work hard. Hispanics will come and perform the work we do not want to do. New devices, software and hardware will do our selected work and all will be well, but don't count on it. We have problems and they are not going away and many of our leaders are not going to do things much differently until something gives. A financial disaster, a major attack(s) or other problems might befall us. For example, if you or I were a extremist we would have such a wide selection of targets that it would be difficult to select which one would be the best. We have many changes to be made in the future to keep our freedom.
When examining the contents of this book never forget that anything is possible. We Americans have lived a somewhat safe life for many years. Wars and attacks at home have eluded us until 91101. Many have forgotten that attack except the families of the victims, the defenders and the first responders. We quickly forgot that more humans were killed on our mainland on 91101 than all the wars since the Civil War. Do not forget that over one million men and women have lost their lives defending this country since and including the Revolution.
We have been spoiled to the extreme. We ask for peace, prosperity, entitlements and safety, but we hesitate to work or fight for them. Is our freedom at stake for these gifts? No we say, because we have had them for over 230 years. It will not be taken away, it can't be. How can a change be made? The answer? Very easy. Change came to the United States in the election of 2006. Time will show what other changes will be made due to this election and other worldwide factors.
These essays cover a broad range of concerns reminding us to determine if we are ready for the challenge of each. We should ask why and how certain things were done and why such actions were decided. Of course all of these questions cannot be answered but actions in the past help to make decisions in the future. Are we winning or are we losing?
In total, this book is written to urge all citizens to help retain our freedom. It is possible to lose this freedom from external or internal struggles. The retention of freedom hinges on the quality of our leaders, principally the president. He or she can be a Democrat or a Republican but they must be able to put aside their own ego. They must keep the functions of government moving toward a moral and ethical path with the Constitution as their guide.