Buddhism, Economics and Science

Further Studies in Socially Engaged Humanistic Buddhism

by Ananda W.P. Guruge

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/02/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781434332240
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781434332257

About the Book

There are few people in the world who can claim anything near the experience of Professor Ananda Guruge. From his childhood under colonial rule to his early adulthood as a government official for the emerging nation of Sri Lanka and finally to mature years on the international stage of UNESCO, he has witnessed the shifting of social, economic, and religious patterns. It would be misleading to say that he has only “witnessed,” because his imprint can been found on many of the institutions of his home country, the influence of the UN in international agreements, the representation of Buddhism to the world community, and in a host of educational centers around the globe. Moving in the highest ranks of prime ministers, presidents, kings, and ambassadors, Professor Guruge has tirelessly pursued his intention of service to society. At the same time, he can be seen working with at-risk youth in Los Angeles, developing strategies for lessening violence when it erupts in our cities,  devoting time to helping rescue students who need a mentor, and speaking day after day to service groups, university classes, and leaders of society. With a background such as this, he has unique credentials to appraise the role of Buddhism in the contemporary scene, whether it is in social programs or scientific and technical research. 


Lewis Lancaster

University of California, Berkeley

About the Author

Dr. Ananda W.P. Guruge B. A., Ph.D., D.Litt. is Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of the International Academy of Buddhism and Editor of Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism of the University of the West (formerly Hsi Lai University), Los Angeles County, California. He is also an adjunct professor of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Peace Studies of California State University, Fullerton; the Vice-President and Liaison Officer to the United Nations and UNESCO of the World Fellowship of Buddhists; the Chairman of the World Buddhist University Council; and the Patron of the European Buddhist Union; former Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Sri Lanka to UNESCO, France and USA (with non-resident accreditation to Spain, Algeria and Mexico) (1985–1994); and former Senior Special Adviser to the Director General of UNESCO (1995-2000). He is author of  fifty books in English and Sinhala and 175 research papers. The most recent among them are: What in Brief is Buddhism? Montrey Park, California, USA 1999, and Hacienda heights Ca, Buddha Light Publishing, 2004; Free at Last in Paradise (A Historical Novel on Sri Lanka), Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA 1998 buybooksontheweb and paperbck edition, Bloomington, Indiana, USA 2000 Authorhouse, The Unforgettable Dharmapala, Bloomington, Indiana, USA 2002 Authorhouse and Humanistic Buddhism for Social Well-being, Buddha Light Publishing, Hacienda Heights, CA, USA 2003, another historical novel on Sri Lanka: Serendipity of Andrew George, 2003 Authorhouse, Buddhist Answers to Current Issues, 2004, Authorhouse., Mahavamsa, the Greart Chronilce of Sri Lanka (A new translation with prolegomena) – Revised Second edition 2006, Godage International Publishers, Colombo. Among his major publications are The Society of the Ramayana, Asoka the Righteous - A Definitive Biography, Buddhism – The Religion and its Culture, Return to Righteousness, From the Living Fountains of Buddhism and An Agenda for International Buddhist Community. E-mail: anandaguruge@cs.com; Address:  8351 Snowbird Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646, United States of America.