MY LUCKY STARS!!! Here Comes the Prince

With the DRAMA QUEEN!!

by J.M. Rusin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/06/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781425941499

About the Book

This story takes place, in LA. But the story began in Manhattan, New York, when Katie decided to become an actress.  Also Katie did plays in High School plays and travels to Europe like England and France and even Poland, to make a movie.  Katie friend are Mike, Joe and Elizabeth, but changes her name to Liz.  Also Liz is after Joe, but now Katie is dating him.  But then things happen and they break up.  So they make movie together.  Once Katie thought that Joe was her Prince charming!!!  But she was mistaken.  Until one day that she met Ryan.  That day Katie knew that she find her Prince!   Ryan knew that Katie was some kind of “Drama Queen”!  But he knew that he had to have her.  His dreams came true when he met “Katie”.

Come with Katie and her friends on a “European Adventures” today, and American Idol.

My website


About the Author

J.M. Rusin, Lives in Connecticut with family, enjoy poetry and songwriter, and this book will be her 12.

J.M. Rusin, did attended two year of college at CCSU, and did two plays, Comedy of Error, Mouse that roars.

Memeber of Connecicut Authors and Publishers Associations of Avon, Connectict.

Other books by J.M. Rusin

Father and Sons Hobby Dreams do come true Gary Joe Story

No Ending Dreams

A Polish Christmas story with a magical Christmas tree

No Ending Dreams ( The Reunion)

No Ending Dreams ( Secrets)

White Satin Rock, A Teenager rock and roll band: and the IDOL DREAMS!

Joe Star A Teenager Rock Star, Velvet Blue Crystal band: Hit the beat of the drum!! Listen to our sound of rock n roll!!

Germany Invaded Poland September 1 1939 My life story


Thin ICE: Zombies IN LA, Nowhere to run or hide.

A Drama Queen collides with Prince Charming!!!

Ricky Black & Jeanne Silk Teenager Rock Stars!!!Blue Diamond Pearl Band: Let's Rock N Rolll!!!