Angels Know All
Book Details
About the Book
Angels are Holy Spirits (“light beings” or celestial beings”) and are part of one’s eternal soul energy. Soul energy is the connection between our minds, bodies and the universe. All humans have an eternal soul connected to their holy breath. Everyone’s breath is connected to the same universal love and light energy. But he or she must choose to open to that universal love and light energy because soul power (soul guides-angels-holy spirits) can not override our free will from the ego mind. We all must learn to choose our actions through our souls and not through our fearful limited ego minds. The connection between mind and body has been well documented by various scholars, medical doctors, theologians and scientists. Much has been written to suggest that all emotional and physical dis-eases come from prolonged THOUGHTS of fear, sadness, anger, distress, revenge, guilt, rejections and other uncomfortable feelings being buried. Our cells can only handle so much negative energy from thoughts and feelings before they become sick. Whatever we focus on grows. We have forgotten how to go within and hear our own wise loving angels. Kids need to know all drug highs are already inside and can be accessed by learning how to ask (pray) and meditate (listen) to one’s own angels. Angels can teach people how to astral travel, time travel to past or future lives and learn that ALL ANSWERS LIE WITHIN YOU. All races and religions have angels. Your angels are waiting for you to help you have a happier and healthier life. You are never alone. Angels Know All contains channeled poetic messages from the angels interspersed with true angelic encounters that have changed people’s lives. Pope St. Leo states that the only advice he would ever give another human being is to get to know your very best friends, your own angel guardians. For more about Lynn Mystic-Healer and her various Angelic Healing Products and Services go to
About the Author
Lynn Mystic-Healer had careers as a RN (
Whatever we focus on grows. Without knowing how to use your inner soul connections to the higher consciousness we stay focused on our limited, fearful, reactive, ‘computer like’ (ego) minds. We can only think of ideas from what we have seen or been taught. We were taught that all answers were outside ourselves, not within us. Most people were not taught how to talk about intuition, feelings, soul purpose, inner light, love, joy, compassion, healing kindness, creative imagination, dream interpretations, inner visualization work, and the power of intention. Find self-love to attract true love. Find your soul purpose and follow it to find your healthy lifestyle, activities, and soul mates. We all need love and support from our "real friends" with similar soul paths.
Whatever we focus on grows. Without knowing how to use your inner soul connections to the higher consciousness we stay focused on our limited, fearful, reactive, ‘computer like’ (ego) minds. We can only think of ideas from what we have seen or been taught. We were taught that all answers were outside ourselves, not within us. Most people were not taught how to talk about intuition, feelings, soul purpose, inner light, love, joy, compassion, healing kindness, creative imagination, dream interpretations, inner visualization work, and the power of intention. Find self-love to attract true love. Find your soul purpose and follow it to find your healthy lifestyle, activities, and soul mates. We all need love and support from our "real friends" with similar soul paths.