David L. DeLaney's Pawns

by David L. DeLaney



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/02/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781420814934

About the Book

The country has a new President in the White House and he has new ideas on how the military should be run.  Our military is at its highest state of readiness because of North Korea’s nuclear threat.  The President had Congress pass his new military bill that in reality is a cut back plan.  Benefits in health, pay and retirement have all been affected to the point that it cost a life of a well-respected and well-liked General.  Hostilities between Japan and North Korea have reached a boil point and China has warned us to stay out of it.


With the country on the brink of World War III and with no cooperation from the men and women of the armed forces, four Army Rangers decided to take matters into their own hands.  Some might call it treason, where as others may call it patriotism.  You will have to decide.


About the Author