Understanding Why

Evolution, Beliefs, and Your Reality

by George F. Naryshkin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/08/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781418403492

About the Book

Understanding Why is a book which attempts to communicate to a wide audience such topics which better our understanding of “why are we here”, “why do we do what we do”, and “what does life mean”?

George Naryshkin draws from his years of study in embryology and geology in college, and anatomy from dental school.  He also spent years in the Air Force as a jet pilot and Red cross volunteer as a dentist.

This background, along with years of literature research have given him special insight into why we do what we do, based on evolution.  He delves into why humans have beliefs and why the instinct to follow beliefs is so strong.

Do you use your “awareness intelligence” in your every day life?  Or do you simply follow your instincts?

Are we humans really acting in intelligent ways, or are we just a continuation of the forces of nature as observed in our actions of reproduction and consumption?  Are we not much more than bacteria with larger brains?

Read this and have an adventure into your reality.  You will never look at your peers, nor your beliefs in the same way again.

About the Author

George F. Naryshkin was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1958 to George Naryshkin and Vera Bondaretz, children of Russian, Slovakian and perhaps Scandinavian immigrants.

He graduated from Toms River High School North, in Toms River, NJ.

His college years included 2 years at Rutgers College, and graduation from Baylor University with a BS in geology in 1981.  In 1982, George attended Temple University School of Dentistry and joined Air Force ROTC as a pilot candidate.

George graduated from USAF pilot training in 1987.  He was assigned to B-52G flying duty at Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Michigan and served on active duty as a pilot and also as a Red Cross volunteer as a dentist until December 1991.