
Un Viaje del Alma

by Lee Albert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/07/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781452019604
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781452019581

About the Book

Iboga, a journey of the soul, Albert Lee deftly combines real explanation of ibogaine, a natural psychoactive substance from Africa with insights on personal spiritual development and self-reflections on a changing Irish culture and a candid autobiography.

The author describes, with power and emotion, the experience that is growing up in a small town in the Irish Republic in a time when both the population and the institutions were controlled by the Catholic Church. Having spent two years studying to become a priest, the author gave a twist to his religious faith and embarked on a geographical and spiritual odyssey that culminated in an inner transformation performed by iboga, a powerful sacred plant consumed in an African ceremony and in the West (ibogaine substance) is used to help overcome addiction to heroin. Use a particular level has been banned in several countries, including the United States, although, as demonstrated Albert, is not at all a recreational substance and has amazing healing properties.

This first book on ibogaine for the general public of Albert Lee combines real information based on solid arguments about their experience with iboga along with personal recollections about how it gave him the opportunity to conduct an inner transformation. This process allowed him to heal psychic wounds and get value the spiritual world to achieve this through an integrated reality that Albert compared to Holy Grail of Arthurian legends connection.

Iboga, a journey of the soul a unique and momentous book in line to get Carlos Castaneda fascinate and enlighten readers interested in personal development, spirituality and nature of the therapeutic and transformative use of mind-altering substances is , all accompanied by reflections about the Irish culture and identity. Highly recommended for all readers interested.

About the Author

En una implacable lucha por la libertad debido a problemas que había arrastrado toda su vida y a un ardiente deseo de hacer realidad sus sueños, pasó dos años en un seminario irlandés, se sometió a terapia Primal intensiva, recibió formación en técnicas de liberación emocional, exploró los pensamientos de Krisnamurti y, finalmente, desesperado, abandonó toda creencia.

Es licenciado en química e ingeniero de sistemas, además de monitor de windsurf. Ha vivido y viajado por 36 países y ha sido profesor en África. Completó su búsqueda mediante lo que denomina «El Proceso Iboga» y se embarcó en un viaje milagroso de descubrimiento personal y reconexión con su yo interior.

Ahora su interés se centra en el modo de confrontar el pasado personal para llegar al descubrimiento de uno mismo, a la felicidad, la realización personal y a la propia inmortalidad.