DNA Cobb Cousins

by Paul Weldon Boyles and Dorothy Holmes Boyles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/01/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781425919962

About the Book

About the Author

Paul and Dorothy BOYLES grew up with very religious families who lived during World War I, the great depression and World War II, which was a war to end all wars.


Dorothy wanted to a medical doctor but change her mind to become a medical technician, after the death of her older brother and her first marriage 1944.


I received a calling to be a medical doctor, after the death of my grandfather in 1935.  While in the Navy during World War II in 1945, I used the new antibiotic Penicillin and DDT.                             


Dr John H. Ferguson, Professor of Physiology at UNC Medical School of Medicine taught me how to do medical research, medical school and four years of post graduate training. Afterward, I started clinical studies of warfarin anticoagulant and streptokinase active Plasmin blood clot lysing enzyme at the Miami Heart Institute.  Publishing a book "ANTITHROMBIC THERAPY" in 1959.


Dorothy said that God had led her to find me, which saved her life by using the new clot lysis enzymes and long term warfarin treatment continiously for 42 years.


Our marriage was truly made in heaven in 1962,and with the birth of our son Sean in 1964.