A Bow in the Clouds

by Joan Cashon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/05/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781410733405

About the Book

Joan Cashon was a happily married woman engaged in a teaching career and living a full life.  Suddenly . . . it was over!  She was face to face with the demons CANCER and DEATH.  Through surgery and chemotherapy she was cured of ovarian cancer by June of 1991.  By the Fall of 1991 a second rare and aggressively malignant cancer was diagnosed.  She had multiple tumors in her chest, a tumor on her liver, and one on her spinal cord.  Paralyzed from her diaphragm to her toes, she was told she would never again walk and given a month to live.  Breast cancer struck in 1997.

After years of steroids, radiation, surgery, chemotherapy and physical therapy, the cancer is gone.  All of her powers of intellect, will, and spirit were called into use as she met this challenge.  With God’s grace she was able to keep her eyes on the rainbow and not the storm.

The story of Noah inspired her to construct an Ark and endure a flood.  Today the rainbow appears again in her personal sky.  Joan hopes that reading the story of her journey will give you strength, encouragement, and hope as you seek to find your own rainbow.

About the Author

Joan Cashon began her teaching career at age nineteen. She began a second career helping others become survivors.

She has been a Hospital Foundation Board Trustee, a local Director for the American Cancer Society and a founding member of “Woman to Woman”, a support group for those with gynaecological cancer.

Joan’s involvement with cancer issues has been many faceted both on community and individual levels.  Considered a model of strength in adversity, she was selected by the New York State Senate as a “Woman of Distinction” in 1998.

In her battle she has been paralysed, given a month to live and has survived three separate cancers.  Joan hopes her insights will strengthen you in whatever adversity you face in your journey.