
War on Terrorism

by Stanley Morganstein



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/04/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781403378057

About the Book

OUTSIDER is fictional in form but based on real terrorist techniques, cells and social engineering! Integrates current extremist terrorist techniques and exposes their destructive and nefarious influence. International terrorism throughout the world, including actual terrorist organizations, provides the background for a theme to find the underlying connection among the terrorist groups. The current danger is now evident that people who look like you are I may be terrorists! From the United States to Ireland to Japan and South East Asia, Outsider will shock you with covert actions and knowledge to combat terrorism! Characters and theme are interwoven with real terrorists, FBI, CIA and government agencies worldwide. Current and futuristic technological methods are revealed throughout the book.

About the Author

He received a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts studying mathematical models, statistics and computer programming.

He has written science fiction, mystery and technical documentation in computer science. His websites on the Internet are popular including http://www.nvo.com/stanmorgan with over 21,000 visitors. Other websites include sample chapters from The Greenhouse and Outsider novels, including science fiction themes concerning Mars, Io and galactic travel.

He has completed his second novel, Outsider concerning terrorist activities throughout the globe and their dedicated anti-terrorist characters. His experience in computer, biological sciences including graduate work in genetic engineering and molecular biology including extensive research concerning terrorism both current and before 9/11 helps with terrorist, computer and biologically related themes in this novel.