The Small Hours

by Frank Childs

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/07/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781403328700

About the Book

Frank Childs short stories are not pretty. They're not meant to be. What is beautiful, however, is their sheer brutal honesty. The stories he writes are full of craziness, whisky soaked dreams, despair, pain, and ultimately, the Gods honest truth. These slice-of-life narratives speak plainly, but they also speak from the heart. Scratch the surface of Frank's stories and you'll also see hope, beauty, empathy, and most of all, love. Read this book yourself so you can experience their sublime ugly honesty. Long after the words fade you'll still sharply remember the emotions those words evoked.

About the Author

To go forward, I’ll have to go backward a little ways. Writing, for me, has always been something I just do. It’s never been about writing a bestseller, or winning a prize, or making a lot of money. I just like to write my thoughts down on paper. I got into the habit several years ago when my daughter Alaina was little. She lived near one ocean and I lived near another. So for years I had the world’s largest telephone bills. I would make up stories to tell her. Always about the good and evil between squirrels, cats, dogs, spiders, dragons, plaid sheep, people, and various other creatures that walk under our yellow sun. As the stories went to paper, people took notice, thinking only that I was a writer of children’s stories. Little did they know that I had another side to my storytelling. It has always been there. I just don’t share it with anyone. I keep it locked in away a little world that is my own. Late, after midnight when the world is asleep and my imagination and memories are clipping along at a good pace, I like to put my thoughts down on paper. It’s a time I call The Small Hours...