The History and Symbolism of Royal Arch Masonry




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/07/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9780759640917

About the Book

Many books have been written about Freemasonry. However, there has been very little written and published in the area of Royal Arch Masonry. To the best of my knowledge, there has only been three books published in the last one hundred and fifty years. (1) Sheville and Gould’s Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter in 1867 and 1980; (2) Trunbull and Denslow’s A History of Royal Arch Masonry published by the General Grand Chapter in 1956 and 1993; and (3) Steinmetz’s The Royal Arch – Its hidden Meaning in 1946 and 1979. This book, The History and Symbolism of Royal Arch Masonry fills this void with a clear and accurate analysis of Capitular Masonry.

This book covers the world history, U.S. history, and the symbolic content of each of the four major Capitular degrees; the Mark Master, the Past Master, the Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch, a degree considered by many to be the cope-stone of Masonry. It also covers the Order of Anointed High Priesthood. A chapter is devoted to the history and purposes of that fraternal body that is the mother lode of Capitular Masonry, the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International. A chapter is devoted to Royal Arch Masonry in England, Ireland, and Scotland. This book deals with facts, not myths. Historical quotes are used throughout the book in support of its historical analysis. Many original illustrations adorn the book.

Comments by several leading Masons serve to illustrate the importance and strengths of this book. Larry E. Gray, General Grand Scribe, General Grand Chapter Arch Masons, International, writes, "It matters not whether the reader is a casual reader of Masonic materials, or a devout member of the fraternity seeking further light in Masonry; this book is uncomplicated reading, factual and written in layman’s terms." Robert M. Seibel, M.W. Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of F & A. Masons of Indiana writes, "The History and Symbolism of Royal Arch Masonry, will serve Royal Arch Masons throughout the English speaking world in their search for further light in Masonry. I recommend this scholarly expose in your Masonic adventures." Dennis J. Anness, Past Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch of Indiana writes, "The author of this book writes in a clear and concise manner that serves all readers well. Whether you are a student of Masonic studies’, or have an idle curiosity in the field, or have no knowledge of Masonry, this work is for you." Marion K. Crum, Past Illustrious Master, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Indiana writes, "In addition to being written in a clear, concise and understandable manner, he has eliminated many of the myths that have been attached to much of the writings of Freemasonry."

About the Author

Edward R. Graham has been active in Freemasonry since being made a Master Mason in 1977. Companion Graham is a Royal Arch Mason belonging to Columbus Chapter No. 10 in Columbus, Indiana. He has served as Grand Historian of the Grand Chapter of Royal Masons of Indiana since 1992. He is the author of Indiana Monitor and Royal Arch Masons’ Guide published in 1995. He is a member of Robert A. Woods Priory No. 62, Knights of the York Cross of Honor. Brother Graham is a Past Master of Nashville Lodge N. 135, F. & A. Masons of Indiana in Nashville, Indiana. He is a member of many of Freemasonry’s appendant bodies and has served in a leadership position in most of the bodies in which he is a member. He is a recipient of the Bronze Medal of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International.

Mr. Graham is a consultant in transportation economics, a partner in ACT Publications, a publisher of a monthly report of freight transportation and commercial vehicle industry, and Treasurer of FTR Associates, a freight transportation consulting firm. He is a graduate of Utica College and Syracuse University. He taught at Temple University, worked for Westinghouse Corp., and retired from Cummins Engine Co. where he was Economic Forecasting Director. Mr. Graham lives with his wife Jerie in Brown County, Indiana, and has four children and several grandchildren.