I Love You, Mom

by Lo'Rhena



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/08/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780759637337

About the Book

This book is for mothers and daughters. We are the brilliant facets in the diamond creation of mankind. Mothers are self-sacrificing, caring, training children in the right paths to take, and building strong foundations. When you’re an adult you come to appreciate everything Mom has done for you. Even in her twilight years everything about her, you hold dear. I wanted to give my Mom something special. That’s how this book came about. So again Mom, I will say, "I love you!"

About the Author

Lo’Rhena, southern born and bred. When asked to tell others about myself, I freeze. I enjoy helping others, therefore, putting myself last. I was raised by loving parents, Percy and Delores, who encouraged me and gave me the foundation that is needed to make it through life. My role model was my Aunt Reba, who was a nurse. I loved the way she looked in her white dress and cap. I also loved the professional way she handled her patients, which laid the "love of nursing" in my soul. Because of her I am a nurse. The love of writing stems from my parents pushing me to enjoy education. I developed a passion for it when I found out that through the art of reading . . . I could explore the world.