In Search of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

by Michael Anthony Careccia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/05/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780759623316

About the Book

This book is controversial, but true. Straight to the point, Holy Ghost Fire Packed, and backed up all the way by scripture. It tells the story of the apostles and what their true mission was on earth, and how their teachings have been corrupted and changed. This book will enlighten you, and help you reach complete redemption. It’s backed up by the Holy Ghost. The video footage of God's own spirit is free at with your secret password.

About the Author

Hi, I am Michael, Last Day Apostle of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for every single one of you, because it was Him that led each and every one of you to His web site at and also to His book In Search of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I must emphasize that In Search of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is power packed and backed by the Holy Ghost (the video) and it is also backed to the letter by God’s own word, the Holy Scriptures. If you have visited, then you already know that with each book you will be given a secret password. Then you must surf the web to the Lord’s web site, enter your password so that you can access the video footage, and then you can view the video and download it to disk. Nevertheless, the video is free; our Lord Jesus Christ set it up this way for each of you. I must give Him all the glory and praise for He is an awesome and mighty God.

Now I must tell you about the author. The Lord spoke to my heart and He told me not to hold anything back from you. He said that I must tell all of you the complete truth about my life and walk with Him. He also said that the truth will set me free, and leave Satan no room to discredit me in any way in the future, and I have always believed that honesty is the best policy. For our God is the God of truth and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Amen.

I was born a Roman Catholic, baptized that way. Now that I look back at my life I can see clearly that the Lord began to teach me about His wisdom and knowledge and unexplainable love and compassion at an early stage in my life. I had checked out many denominations through the course of my life. I must say that I was able to pick up a gold nugget from each of them, in respect to gaining even more wisdom and knowledge of our God, but yet there was something missing. I couldn’t find deliverance and the peace of Jesus Christ, or so it seemed to my heart. As I grew older I began to stray from our God, I guess like the prodigal son; I began to experiment with marijuana. I was introduced to it by some friends, it’s true what they say, marijuana is the gateway to other drugs. I had been smoking pot for a while and then I was introduced to cocaine by a girlfriend and again, without notice or warning, I was caught up in the devil’s web. Satan painted a pretty picture at first. Of course, most of us have been there and done that or are still caught up in his web. Satan continued to lead me head long unto the things of this world and the lust thereof. The Apostle Paul was right when he said that the flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. It’s a sad thing, but it’s something we all have to go through, each and every day of our lives and fight against. My life hasn’t been all that pretty. As I struggled through it, I began to dabble in the drug scene. The lure of money was like cheese on a mousetrap, and it doesn’t even matter to us if it brings forth death. We chase after it and again the truth is spoken. Money is the root of all evil. I ran with the devil’s bunch for a while, but that pretty picture that Satan had painted for me began to grow ugly and dim. It was all an illusion painted by the devil to lead me to destruction before I could achieve complete salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Bible says plainly that Satan seeks to cast us into prison and that’s what he succeeded in doing to me. But the Lord, as always, saw me through with flying colors and now I live for Him and only Him, Jesus do I serve. That pretty picture that Satan painted for me grew dimmer and dimmer until darkness had consumed me, but thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord, and His deep rooted love for us I know in my heart that Jesus is always there to catch us. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He loves us so much that He came down from on high and suffered shame, agony, and pain. And ultimately death, just to save us and wash us of our iniquities. I thank the Lord Jesus and give Him all the glory, because of Jesus I was able to stand against the wiles of the devil. The more darkness consumed me, the more I found out how deep the love of Christ Jesus really is for His children. Of course, Satan brought down condemnation upon me to keep me away from the Lord, but the Lord reached down from heaven and picked me up and said "Michael, do not allow Satan to overwhelm you with condemnation, for my blood that I shed for you has washed you, cleansed you of your iniquities. I have cast them into the sea of forgetfulness." What an awesome God we serve. Not only did the Lord keep me in my darkest hours, but also he led me to the true plan for my redemption just days before my death.

I love you all, with a Godly love and right now I ask the Lord Jesus Christ the King of Kings to lead you and use you, guide you and bless you and keep you all under His wing all the days of your lives. I ask this in the holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I thank you all, for your support and your help in bringing this crucial message of salvation to all. We have been chosen to restore the original plan of salvation, which Satan corrupted and changed to our everlasting regret.

Love you all with a Godly love,
Michael, Last Day Apostle of Jesus Christ