Silver Threads & Gold

by Royal L. Craig



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/05/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780759619562

About the Book

We, the people, are the great adventurers! We explore, we study, we sift our findings -- whether it is about stars at the beginning of time, or our neighboring planets, or the depths of the oceans. From the moon, brave explorers will venture to Mars. Who can say where the adventure will end or how far from our home planet we will ultimately plant our civilization. The limitations of today will become passé tomorrow, there is no end to it.

There is, however, a different space that contains a greater wonder -- inner space. It has been explored down the ages by mystics, psychologists, the religious, and science with and without the aid of mind-altering substances. It, too, looks as if we will never come to the end of it -- the more we explore, the more we find fresh questions. At the heart of the mystery is the soul.

This work is an exploration of the timeless soul’s adventure through time and inner space. It investigates the whys and wherefores of the soul caged in a time-bound body, as well as the just god and the jealous god; and the savior of man walking through the world unrecognized, except for a few that he claims as his own. There are souls that have found the tear in the fabric of life. They have seen through the illusion and are desperate to escape. For the opposition, there is no end to the efforts made to seduce the soul back into the illusion. Does God exist, and if so, where is He? Who and what is a Master? What is an avatar and what is his true role in the world? Does this world have an order, or is it simply an accident tumbling in space?

The escape route to total freedom of the individual and the nature of the soul is explored in depth in Silver Threads and Gold. The mystery of the soul must be plumbed on a personal basis, no literature can substitute for the experience. The way to that experience is the subject of this volume. Come, join in our mystic adventure! This is not a journey for the curious, the timid, or the unwary; as many cherished beliefs are shattered, never to return to support the chimera of life. Enjoy the journey, but fasten your seatbelt; the road ahead can get rough!

About the Author

In February 1922, in the village of Windsor Mills, Quebec, Mrs. Craig gave birth to her second son. In Canada, May 24 was a national holiday celebrating the birth date of Queen Victoria. Royal’s father was born on May 24th and was christened Royal Victor in honor of the occasion. When number two son was born, they also named him Royal. (When number one son was born, the father was such a hellion that his wife refused to name the child after her husband.) Six weeks after the birth, in the dead of winter, the family made an arduous trip to Dryden, a small town in northern Ontario.

Royal spent his childhood in this town surrounded by forest (2nd growth timber) and went native. He loved to be in that part of the bush (as it was called) that had no sign of civilization. He learned from the Indians that mud would ease the pain of the yellow jacket, how to tickle trout to catch them, and how to set a trap to catch small animals. He ran a trap line that he serviced each morning before school. This put fresh rabbit on the menu. These were the days of massive unemployment and fresh caught food was a necessary part of the menu. Perhaps it was his closeness to nature that made Royal begin to question life and death.

Royal grew up with a natural bent for the esoteric. Raised in a religious environment, it seemed natural that there was an order to the world and that God was in charge. As he grew older, questions began to form, why this, why that. As Royal grew older, his questions became bolder. The priests began to wonder about this damnable upstart that asked questions they couldn’t answer. Finally, religion no longer satisfied and the search for answers elsewhere began. Years of searching the philosophies and religions of the world followed. He consumed the local library but found little to satisfy his questions regarding life and death. The works of the German visionaries and Christian saints were studied with little success. Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, and many others, including the lives of great men of history were explored. They seemed to see a certain something that he could not grasp. Again and again, he returned to the unsolvable problem regarding the origin and mystery of man and his relationship with the invisible God. Royal resolved that, if he ever found any real information on the mystery of life and death, he would share his discoveries with others in unambiguous language.

By this time (1957), a tool and product designer in aerospace, Royal was married, with children, but he was unshaken in his search for the underlying truth of life. In the teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, he was drawn to the hard, unvarnished way that G&O tackled the way of the world and the way of the awakened man. Suddenly, without warning in 1961, Royal took a three-year contract as works director with a company in England. While there with his family, he found a group in London under a former student of Gurdjieff and studied the Work for three years. Returning to California, he continued the G & O studies locally for another thirteen years. This struggle toward consciousness resulted in a number of inner revelations revealing the inadequacy of trying to think and reason in the habitual way.

Findhorn was discovered along with its revelation of magic and love. The people connected with this experimental contact with Nature (on the North Sea shore of Scotland) were some of the most delightful that Royal had ever known and whatever advancement he had incurred with the Gurdjieff study groups allowed him to drink the elixir of Findhorn to the dregs.

In 1972, Kirpal Singh, a Master of Surat Shabd Yoga in India, came to America and Royal was coaxed to attend his lecture. Steeped as he was in the reality of Gurdjieff and the wonders of Findhorn, this eastern teaching seemed dull by comparison.

This teacher seemed to be quoting various scriptures (a number of which Royal had already studied) and he did not find something in the talk that was entirely new. Still, this elderly man seemed to have an enormous power, and this persuaded Royal to continue to attend the series of talks. After all they were free!

During the last talk Kirpal Singh offered initiation into Surat Shabd Yoga. Royal balked at the very idea. The idea of Indian gurus had already left an unpleasant taste in his mouth. It was then that his lifetime struggle for understanding came to his rescue, and in spite of grave misgivings personally, he submitted to initiation the following day. That became the true turning point in his life. The questions that had plagued him from childhood became like so much loose skin to be sloughed off as answers came to him unbidden. Unrecognized and resisted at first sight, this was the Teacher he had been looking for all his life.

This present work is the result of a young man’s resolve to share whatever truth he found. What Royal didn’t realize when that promise was made, was that certain things do not have words and can only be inferred or transferred, heart to heart. The result is that this work is necessarily inadequate to the task but should shed some light on this elusive question of life and death. What follows is a homemade distillation of the insight of some of the greatest visionaries of the twenty-first century, a sort of bathtub gin of spirituality. It has been a work of love. Some of the spirit of his quest appears in his earlier works -- Bedside Manor and Poetry & Prose to Dream by and Slicing the Moon.