Crossed Circles

A Tale of End Time Survival

by Patricia & Gilbert Hice



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/08/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9780759643550

About the Book

Crossed Circles: a Tale of End Time Survival is an adventure about people who are trapped in Oregon during the prophetic devastation of the Judeo-Christian End Time.

When a tragedy of biblical proportion destroys most of the northwest coastal region of the United States during the early twenty-first century, a few survivors are isolated to an archipelago, finding themselves threatened by a new world order and one another.

Of the multiple characters that interact through the chapters, the story revolves primarily around two young adults who survive to discover love and truth while sailing between the islands. This is a story where eating a grasshopper and keeping faith in God’s goodness are two sides of the same survival challenge.

This adventure distills a possible scenario of unfolding world events, exposing characters to some of their worst fears and most basic instincts.

A present-day research scientist narrates the story, having seen the future.

The title is taken from a converted Buddhist’s explanation of the Christian cross. His name is Chang. He is a martial arts expert and an important catalyst in the physical and spiritual survival of several characters.

About the Author

Gilbert and Patricia Hice make their home in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon, along with their dog and cats.

Patti is a native Oregonian with a penchant for dairy farming, gardening and cooking. Bear and fox are neighbors she expects to see out her window every day. She grew up enjoying Bible stories in Sunday school and now worships with Gilbert at a local spirit-filled church.

Gilbert was an Army brat, settling in Oregon when his father retired. Through high school and college he worked in a pear orchard, wood mill, gold mines, rock quarries eventually becoming a podiatrist with interests in the martial arts, SCUBA diving and history. He has experienced first hand the occult, multiple failed marriages, a shark attack, a debilitating back injury and a miracle that led him to become a follower of Jesus Christ in his early thirties.

Their first novel is an extension of some of the lessons learned and the life they share through the love and greatness of God.