by Brown Cardwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/10/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9780759607118

About the Book

A compelling saga of epic proportions: Joshua stands poised to lead the Hebrew people into the Promised Land while two mismatched, star-crossed young lovers must choose between honor, loyalty, and passion. Spies, counterspies, and secret missions drive the story with intrigue and violence.

About the Author

Brown Cardwell, with a B.A. in English, History; M.A. History; and a Ph.D. in Foundations of Education, has worked for many years in theatre and film. Her original theatre pieces -- including plays, dance concerts, and cabaret work -- have been seen at the Washington National Theatre Festival, the Source Theatre, D.C. space, The Helen Hayes Gallery of the National Theatre, the Pavilion, the Western Plaza Performance Project, and the Wolftrap Children's Festival. She has scripted industrial videos and stage shows. A children's story "Lancelot, the Docile Ocelot" appeared in Children’s Playmate and a short story "The Trainman" was published in The Kit-Cat Review. Stage plays include Time Files, produced by Love Creek Productions in New York City, and The Book Club, showcased in the Washington National Theatre Festival; book musicals are Reflections on the Heart of a Woman (composer Maureen Codelka), seen at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., and the musical, Waiting for Lenny (composer Norman Weiss).

The author lives in Kriftel, Germany, and Virginia.