Whats a Lady To Do

by Retha Sullivan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/02/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781588201614

About the Book

What's a Lady to Do . . . is a fictional novel based on true facts. However, it is written with a tongue in-cheek approach, meant to take the reader on an emotional ride of laughter and tears. The story is about a woman, any woman, perhaps even you! The book is not the standard he said she said novel. Men and women alike at some point in life, will most likely have to decide what they will or will not do for love. The main character of the novel is struggling with learned religious beliefs and her own mortality only to discover her spouse is cheating. I wanted women and men alike to know that when things go wrong in their life they are not in that bottomless pit alone. With current divorce rate now exceeding 50%, most of us will have to make the painful decision--.to try harder or just walk away.

"Writing requires one to seek information, and yes, to be somewhat nosy and curious about what is going on around you. If you write, keep a journal. You might just end up with a book! If something interests you, it will interest others. Everyone has a story to tell."

Retha is currently working on a second book, a very entertaining and funny fictional novel also based on fact called The Garbage Queen.

About the Author

Retha Sullivan is a fifty-nine-year-old homemaker. She lives in a small middle-class suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. With her husband Jack and Carlie, her Doberman. She has owned and operated a home based textile printing business for fifteen years and also co-owned a small gift shop for a short time. Mrs. Sullivan served on the local library board for three years and has taught arts and crafts at the nearby community college. She enjoys painting, writing, stock market investing, reading, riding a motorcycle with her husband, accessing the internet, and exchanging ideas with her friends, clients, and family, which includes two grown sons, Jack and Patrick.

"I am a firm believer that most events in life are caused by choice rather than chance. Choices cause change! I encourage my readers not to become complacent and apathetic. The time will come when each of us must stand up and be counted for what we believe in!"