All Were Born Naked. . . No Skills. . . No Talents. . . No Intellectual Gifts

by John Larsson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/04/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781587212345

About the Book

About the Author

The author began his career as a medical stenographer. He also spent a short period as a liaison officer for the American Red Cross assisting first World War veterans at a Veterans Administration hospital to qualify and file claims for the medical care and disability compensation.

Later after working as a clerk in the Department of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in Washington, D.C., and attending George Washington University, he became the assistant to the Station Surgeon at the Station Hospital at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, during World War II. Following the years there in hospital administration, he launched a career in advertising.

The spur for his book and the title, "All are BORN NAKED" evolved from the author’s observations and associations over a period of 30 years within the advertising and medical communities. As a corporate management executive--director of advertising and marketing services--he excelled in writing and design. He has received many awards and some of advertising’s highest. Included were CLIO award in creative television, a national award for design of the ‘Best Package of the Year,’ as well as awards from various advertising clubs and art directors organizations.

Over the years he had an intimate, participating study of the individuality among creative people ... artists, designers, and writers. He had the responsibility for a time for the recruitment and training of university graduate candidates for corporate positions.

The inside view of personalities and skills provided a rare grasp of the behavior and characteristics that did so clearly distinguish any one individual from all the others. And, during the past 18 years since his retirement, he has devoted his time to study and research as well as exploring the lives of hundreds of the famous and infamous in history and today. All of this an insatiable quest for reasons to deny or bear out the accuracy of impressions and inferences drawn from his study of personalities during his career.

The resulting evidence questions any giftedness in skills or intelligence; any genetic or physiological causes for addiction or sexual deviation; and any possibility of curing the divisions between races, religions, or conflicts of cultures. It also provides many methods and lifestyles that have been pursued toward an inevitable success and sworn to by heralded people.