Captain Red

by Russell Goldbaum



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781588203878
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781588203885

About the Book

When Sikorski had perfected his helicopter, he staged an air show in 1942 to demonstrate his unique aircraft. He lifted off vertically, which was unheard of, flew backward, which was unthinkable, and dramatically rescued a person. As an encore, he used a bag of flour to bomb a circle drawn on the ground and thus stunned the military.

Red, a young man who worked for Sikorsky, became one of only four helicopter pilots in the world. Later, he chose to join the Coast Guard and was sent to rescue a troop ship disabled in a hurricane and threatened by a Japanese submarine.

This is a fast moving adventure novel based on historical events and bound to hold the reader’s attention.

About the Author

Russell Goldbaum was born in Haverhill, MA and lives there at Barberry Lane with his wife, Miriam Joy. His daughter Susan also lives in Haverhill with her husband Lee Kane and their two children, Benjamin and Daniel. Russell’s son, David, lives with his wife, Sumiko, and their daughter, Ruby, in Bedford, MA. Russell’s other daughter, Elizabeth, lives in San Francisco, CA.

The family spends some time at Aberdeen in Boynton Beach, FL.