A poetic but scientific account, in harmony with religion, of the creation of the universe and its destruction is presented in the form of 1024 rhyming couplets. The creation is described from a point source, and the destruction is based upon the ultimate decay of matter and its building blocks such as neutrons and quarks.
Historically there has been an unwritten separation between science and poetry. Scientists seldom write serious poetry in any significant quantity. In a similar way poets rarely write a poetic account of any significant proportions that is based upon a scientific theory.
I wanted to lay a new foundation – writing poetry while seriously entertaining scientific theories of our era, and above all doing it in a journey of reverence in complete harmony with religious descriptions. The subject I have chosen is the evolution of Time itself.
To make sure that the reader is not lost in verbose descriptions and grandiose words, let me present the first fifty-six lines of this epic poem to simply show; how from a point source the universe is created in harmony with religion. The readers shall thus be able to quickly make up their minds, if they want to proceed any further.
From before the beginning and the advent of time
This text is brought about from before there was rhyme
This tale shall sail till after eternity
The words have come down with utmost clarity
Time doesn’t exist, He has yet to say "be"
The word is there, and designed for decree
The thought process deep, inspiring, and elated
Nothing else exists, nothing else created
There is no beginning there is no end
There is no boundary there is no trend
No reason to measure since nothing is relative
Absolute Him and the only one creative
And there are no hours, day or night
There are no revolutions, Sun in sight
The Time is now, hung in plight
An eerie silence in an eternal night
There is nothing to shine, no talk of reflection
There is nothing to bend, no talk of refraction
The light is trapped and it is inside Him
Time is not flowing, dark, and grim
No thought of a genealogy, no thought of a friend
Not even the beloved, no message to send
No one to talk to, no tablets, no law
It is mighty Him, the words are in awe
He is His argument He is His proof
He is spread all over and yet so aloof
He’s mired in thoughts in self to keep
His presence not felt, silence so deep
He is wondering, at the lack of it all
None to spring up and nothing to fall
No one to be loved and no one to be ruled
No one to be scolded and no one to be schooled
Near one of those points mighty and absolute
In circuits of pure logic numbers and root
In His absolute world, surviving, safe and sound
He discovers a frame of reference wandering around
The cause and the effect is the first of the burr
The first of His principles, the very first pillar
The cause is His power, He merely says "be"
The affect just happens, agree or disagree
And so all of the principles by His grace
Causality, Uncertainty, and the like are in place
All is then set for principles to be brought
Into an existence from His mighty thought
Hold on to the thought of the Light of Love
Which He created from the principles up above
For this is a story of the character of Time
We will come back to that virtuous and sublime
So, with all His might, and a loud harangue
A Point Source of life, created with a bang
The miracle just happened, as part of the plan
He finally said, "be", and His experiment ran
This is how, we’re sure, the cosmos began
Matter, light, and flow of time in a span
The beginnings of all life, the elements the strand
The universe got started, and continues to expand
Please note that any praises of the Almighty and references to metaphysical is not just my belief but also a way of avoiding and making a big deal out of the fact that science by definition is always incomplete.
Before proceeding any further, the word Tiambic should be explained. The reader may recall that the iambic poetry of antiquity employing a specific rhythm is well known. As this is the story of Time, I thought that the title Tiambic should be interesting.