Porky: My Unusual Pet
Book Details
About the Book
A true story of a young girl, growing up on a small farm in New Mexico. A wonderful loving family was her security and the doting grandparents that lived within walking distance seemed like the best of everything. A surprise gift from her father on her 10th birthday seemed to be the ultimate joy of her young life. She loved animals and became a very devoted "Mom" to a baby porcupine. He was the center of her life for 2 years, and became a part of the whole family. This porcupine was a most remarkable pet, which left everyone that became acquainted with him shaking and scratching their heads. There are still those that remember him with awe.
About the Author
I was born on April 18, 1940 on a small farm three miles southwest of Mayhill, NM, Otero County. My parents were very loving and supportive and good Christian people. They taught me to love God, my country, my neighbors, and even my enemies. I was very shy as a youngster and took to animals. I would converse with them just as if they were my best friend and I knew they talked back. I still love animals but I m not as shy as I used to be. My husband and I reside in the country of the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Between us there are 8 children and 12 grandchildren.