E-Jokes! The Book

by Spiro Edgos



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/04/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781587212024

About the Book

This book is inspired by all those (so-called) friends who repeatedly refuse to accept or simply delete (cause Big Boss Man's watching) the Internet humor I send them. Excuse me for trying to share a little joy throughout the world. God forbid I help someone smile on a so-called Dreary Day. Then how about those poor, pathetic souls (like me) who don't even have e-mail. Those folks pretty much think that 'on-line' is somewhere to hang clothes out back. Well, here's a perfect way to kill maim injure (p.c.) two birds with one shotgun. E-Jokes! The Book will help everyone catch up with all the laughs and smiles the Internet has bestowed upon us. Happy reading.

About the Author

The author (me) is a basically overeducated, underheighted and unemployed (at the time the book was created) misfit who had a lot of time on his hands. When I speak to people, the first thing out of their mouths is 'That's a little more information than I needed to know.' So in reality I'm a very sharing and caring person. I am single, charming, with a great smile and a super personality (or at least that's what they say in the chat rooms.) If anyone has any jokes or stories to share to be included in E-Jokes II send them to: sedgos@aol.com. And if I become rich ... Cookies and milk for everyone!