Estate Bottled Tears

by Robert Bennett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/07/1977

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781585009404

About the Book

Estate Bottled Tears is a modern mystery novel featuring neo-western characters from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and bridges the gap between the America of Eisenhower and the globalized multinational world of the new millennium. It is constructed around a multilayered plot structure with an undercurrent of romance and explores personal angst, individual frailties, and selfish motivations.

The novel brings the protagonist, Lanny O'Brian, a one-time Pacific Northwest backwoods neophyte--recently self-reconstructed to function in the one-world-third-way environment of urban California, together with Polly Evenrude, a wealthy wine heiress of the Napa Valley. They need to work in tandem in order to solve a variety of problems--murders, thefts, missing persons, and slanders--leaving them both better prepared to deal with the rapidly changing world in which they find themselves. It features characters of the new world and of the old, some adapting and some refusing, and delineates a changing sense of collective values.

It is an extremely fast paced mystery with rapidly changing scenes but leaves a few reflective moments to allow the reader a chance to gain a sense of the novel's direction, a recharge of energy, and an opportunity to locate a personal place of compatibility. Estate Bottled Tears is a story narrated within the context of the mystery in which many Americans now find themselves living.

About the Author

I first went into business for myself at the age of 19 and was audited by the IRS that very same year. I found the ups and downs of the business cycle deadly, though, for participants with no capital.

I've been in a dozen businesses over the years and usually made good money when the money was making, but when the market would turn south, I'd see it suck cash out the door like a runaway rip-tide.

I'd often come up with what I thought to be an earth shattering idea, figuring when I put it into action the money would just come rolling in. And it did, sometimes, but inevitably the economy would sour and I'd find myself having to sell everything for two cents on the dollar, then have to watch as, five or ten years later, somebody else would come along and do the exact same thing and make millions. My idea was always: I was going to make a lot of money and then write books.

Of course many celebrated writers, like Jack London and Mark Twain, wrote dozens of successful books, then went into business only to see their enterprises turn into disasters, and went back to writing books. I just got it backwards, but that's not unusual for me.

After thinking all of this through, I decided I'd just write the books, then five or ten years later, when the public was finally ready to accept them, they'd still be there.

So I'm writing the books now and Estate Bottled Tears is the second one.