Clinton's 1996 Presidential Re-Election, Dissection and Disaffection

by Robert R. Morman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/08/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781585003440

About the Book

This book describes the 1996 presidential campaign that culminated in the re-election of William Jefferson Clinton. The two politicians seeking the Democrat nomination 'never had a chance' Senator Bradley and President Clinton. Clinton's nomination was a foregone conclusion, of course. His past positions on policy are discussed briefly.

The Republican's plethora of 'wanna be, maybe' candidates included Alexander, Buchanan, Dole, Dornan, Forbes, Gramm, Keyes, Lugar, Specter, Taylor and Wilson. Other candidates included Browne, 'Libertarian;' Weiker,' unaffiliated;' Gingrich and Powell, 'undeclared,' and Perot 'Reform Party.' Akin to Clinton, Dole had his Party's nomination sewed up long before the convention convened. 'Prima Donna' Powell plugged his book rather than commit to a serious run with 'fire in his belly.' Nearly all candidates dropped out early from the race except for Buchanan and 'Republican spoiler' Perot. All candidates were described in narrative and versified format--quite often humorously.

Two Hollywood-staged 'show times' and 'tear-jerker cameos' characterized both Democrat and Republican conventions, while the Reform Party's effort were 'third rate' and little more than a platform for 'other' candidates that shamelessly begged, beseeched and pleaded for Perot's support.

Clinton-Gore ran a clever 'moderate' campaign based on wooing women and minorities and absconded Republican issues, while Dole's efforts were hoary, inept, anachronistic, affectless and 'doleful.' Clinton bested Dole in two 'so-called' debates. 'Lack-luster' Gore demolished 'lack-luster' Kemp in their lone debate.

After winning 379 electoral votes, 30 states and a 49 percent plurality of voters, Clinton immediately abandoned 'plagiarized' Republican issues and reverted to his usual 'big government' bombast. The author dissected the election results and updated readers on contemporary topics.

About the Author

Robert R. Morman earned his Master and Doctorate degree from USC in psychology. He retired from CSULA as a full professor with emeritus status. His background in the military consisted of service in the USN as a Chief Yeoman during WWII and as a Major, who retired from the U.S. Airforce.

His vocational background comprised four decades plus of experience as a research assistantant , polisher, counseling psychologist, college test officer, test constructor, consultant, counselor and university professor. Among college-university subjects taught were counseling, personality theory, computer introduction, statistics, research, group tests and measurements, individual testing, vocational factors, field/clinic supervision of teachers and counselors, independent study, thesis and dissertation.