Arched Window Solutions
Book Details
About the Book
You too can now have the look of designer drapes for arched windows, that previously could only be obtained by hiring an expensive Interior Decorator. Before now these Palladian arched drapes, with lavish amounts of luxurious heavy, rich fabrics could only be placed on costly custom designed boards. Now you can pile on tufts of fabric and trim for that custom made look for only a fraction of the cost of hiring a decorator.
By following the instructions in this book, you will have a drapery board that fits most arched windows, and can be installed with commonly used tools.
This simple book, with large easy to read at a working distance print, will give you step by step instructions along with graphic illustrations to make your own designer drapes, even if you don't own a sewing machine. In fact you can have an arched window treatment even if you don't have an arched window.
About the Author
Diane has come from a long line of seamstresses who have sewn to enhance the lives of their families and their homes. Her grandmother was a professional seamstress. Her mother had sewn her children's clothes until they were teenagers. As teenagers they begged for store-bought clothes only to come back when they were grown and beg mom to sew the beautiful wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses that they wore on their special day. Nowadays her granddaughter begs for 'Mimi' to make her prom dresses.
Diane has not had much experience with sewing garments, but she has excelled in sewing drapes and decor for the home. She developed the idea for the arched window treatment for the do-it-yourselfer and with encouragement from family and friends went on to patent the idea. Now she has written this book so the Arched Window Solution can be affordable to everyone.