Flowers of Love (Final Tribute To Magnificent Di)

by Nana Prince Baduh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/08/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9780759608283
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9780759608290

About the Book

How delicate a blossoming flower is? Flower as life, is perishable, breakable as egg... How fragile is life you hold in your palm? I guess, you don't even know, till it slides away from your reach... Oh Life! How vulnerable, important, and suddenly we lose it... May our hearts grow into infinite love, to be shared among all... 'Same as Diana did.'Flowers of Love is breathtaking, brilliantly crafted with evocative images and wisdom from beyond... It brings healing power to all hearts... Dedicated to the over: 100,000,000 (Million), lovers and friends of 'Princess Diana' around the world...Who brought her Flowers in tears of love... Forget not her tragedy! 'Soon!' Let's all take the next step into goodness, where Diana left her indelible last footsteps at 36... Find this book, read it... Tell a friend to tell a friend... 'A service to humanity...' Elimination of Deadly Land Mines... 'Project Diana started' Same we must complete... Oh! Friends! Lovers! Admirers and all... Please enjoy this priceless gem... '36 Treasures to the world.'

About the Author

Nana Kwaku Baduh, "Unknown Prince" is a unique voice in the literary arena. Nana is said to be a cumulative representative of a "Billion Souls" whose knowledge, energy, and spiritual powers he projects the "Flag for a mission of continuity of existence" as we know ourselves to be in existence. Nana's innate abilities are encase from his past . . . Ancestry! Ancestry! Ancestry! His education springs from diverse fields: Accountant by profession, writer, poet, composer, orator, and inventor.

Nana believes hostilities around the world are sheer ignorance, lack of recognition, and effective communication among human families. Thinkers, anywhere, he said, must come forward and speak-out loudly to defend freedom and justice for all.

Philosophy: Nana's life is said to have accomplished its goals or mission as providence designed it, "Only on one condition, and one condition only!" The condition of leaving a thought of "Freedom, Justice, and Peace to the world" and a guideline to achieve it. The power to write, he said, lies within the writing. Real freedom, he added, could only be found in floating expressions.

His hobbies include freelance writing, poetry, kick boxing, reading, and songwriting. "Nana dances once every blue Moon." He has many friends, one very best, "Myhatti Whynd."

His best attribute is "Instant Friendliness . . . No enemies!"

Nana Prince Baduh was inducted into the International Poetry Hall of Fame in 1997.

His unique voice can be read in "Tracing Shadows" in the National Library of Poetry, Anthology 1997. He is the author of "Reflections of Inner Mind's Eye."

He is active in business development and serves as founder and CEO of the Global Democracy Education Foundation, a "Think-Tank," where all children of the world would have their little voices heard in the 21st Century and beyond. The author is from Ghana and currently resides in Washington, D.C., USA, where his creative energy is directed towards innovations to empower humanity.