God's End-Time Man

by Joseph Waitz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/11/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 488
ISBN : 9781587219986

About the Book

GOD’S END-TIME MAN is about Herbert W. Armstrong, who fulfilled Matt. 24:14 ("And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached--unto all nations, and then shall the end come."). HWA, young and eager for business success, failed in three promising ventures, tried to prove his wife wrong about the seventh day Sabbath, and instead proved her right. Reduced to poverty, he began to preach in rural Oregon, got on radio in 1934, and eventually reached every inhabited continent of the earth, using worldwide radio, 400 TV stations, and a free magazine, The Plain Truth, that grew to over 8 million circulation. Through the king of Belgium, HWA met world leaders. By 1985 he knew more heads of state than any other man alive. Since HWA’s death at 93, The Worldwide Church of God, which he founded, has scattered into 237 splinters. Daniel 12:7 says: "And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished." Is this the end of the age? Read what GOD’S END-TIME MAN said.

About the Author

Like Herbert W. Armstrong, J.P. Waitz was an advertising writer for many years. His copy helped sell Plymouth, Chrysler, and Dodge cars, Heinz 57 Varieties, G.E. Light Bulbs and other products. He has worked as a copywriter, copy chief, and creative director for a number of U.S. advertising agencies, and also ran an in-house agency for the maker of First Alert Smoke Detectors. In the 1960's Waitz began hearing Herbert Armstrong's broadcasts. He read all of HWA's books and articles, immersed himself in the Bible, and studied archeology, religions of the world and other biblical subjects at Aurora University in Aurora, IL. He became a Sabbatarian and was a member of The Worldwide Church of God for 22 years. After HWA's death and the Church's scattering, he felt an urgency to bring the story of GOD'S END-TIME MAN to the world.