The three riders put their horses into sliding stops and reined up just before hitting Scotty and Jonas. The three riders looked at Scotty and Jonas. One of them with a scar that ran from his eyebrow, across his right eye and down his right cheek, said, "Well boys look what we have here. Old Bart and the hick kid."
The ugly one snarled, "Bart what’re you doing on Jenks' land?"
"I don’t rightly think this is Jenks' land."
"You callin’ me a liar?"
"No, I’m just saying I think you are mistaken."
"Hear that boys? He thinks I’m mistaken," the ugly one laughed. This brought laughter from the other two riders.
"Bart, I’m a fair man and I’ll give you a chance to prove what a fine shot you are. You walk about 50 yards or so down that way and I’ll come ridin’ after you. If you’re fast enough with that shot gun, maybe you’ll hit me before I blow your stupid brains out."
Ugly looked at Scotty, "As for you hick I think I’ll make you dance a jig before I shoot old Bart. Reckon you can dance?"
Scotty’s eyes flashed and became heavy lidded. In his soft voice he said, "You ugly bastard, I reckon I can dance, but only to my own music. If you try to pull that gun out of its holster, my first shot will knock that hat off your head and the second will put out your ugly right eye."
"Hear that boys? The hick is going to make gunplay. My, My, Hick, you really scare me." This drew laughs from the other two.
The ugly one started to draw his handgun from its holster. Before the gun cleared, his hat went flying. He stopped his draw and looked at Scotty. Scotty had his Peacemaker out and a thin ribbon of smoke drifted from its barrel. In one quick movement he had all three men covered and his eyes dared them to try to pull their pistols from their holsters. All three of the riders sat as if frozen.
"Hell, if I’m going to be arrested anyway, I would just as soon go down shooting. You’re too small for me to fight with my fists."
"Don’t let my size bother you. I can fight as well as any man. I can also pull this old longie with the best of them. I still say the choice is yours and you had best make it in a hurry or I’ll decide for you."
Little Flower looked at his harmless men again and in an instant started to draw his weapons. Toby drew and fired before Little Flower could draw. Little Flower staggered backwards, tried to catch him self on the bar. Toby rushed him, and after putting the longie back in its place, grabbed Little Flower by the vest and hauled him up straight. A deputy moved in and took Little Flower’s guns. Toby turned him face forward toward the bar.
"Little Flower, I thought you were a terror with your guns. At least that’s what I heard. Reckon it must have been another Little Flower. You’re slower than molasses. You’re a sissy type too. I just nicked you on the shoulder and you acted like I’d shot you in the gut."
Toby grabbed a handful of the black hair, jerked it back, and smashed Little Flower’s face into the bar. He felt the nose break and when he jerked his head up blood was running everywhere.
"You called me little and that makes me angry."
Toby smashed his face into the bar again.
"You’ve terrorized the people in this territory, but I wish they could see you now."
Toby smashed his face into the bar again. Little Flower tried to fall but Toby held him up by his hair.
"Mr. Bartender, take a look at the famous and dangerous Little Flower. Does he look so terrible now?"
"Marshal, his face sure looks terrible. But no, he don’t look so dangerous anymore."
Toby turned to his deputies, "Let’s get these pikers taken care of. I know a judge in Fort Smith that’ll be tickled to death to see these people."
Toby still held Little Flower by his long hair. The deputies proceeded to put cuffs on the rest of the gang.
"Are we ready to go?"
"Toby, we’re all ready."
Toby still holding Little Flower by the hair started walking. Little Flower was trying desperately to walk backwards with out falling down. Toby dragged him outside, stood him up, and with all his might uncorked a right hay-maker to Little Flower’s jaw the big man staggered backwards and slid down the wall of the saloon. One of the deputies placed cuffs on him.