E-Book Availability

An E-Book is a completely electronic version of a book that can be downloaded to a single laptop or desktop computer or other digital device, such as a handheld PDA. Our professionals will carefully convert your manuscript into a format that will allow readers to download and view your book electronically on multiple devices.

AuthorHouse will format and submit your ePub file for the Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble NOOK, Kobo Distribution, Kobo Distribution, and iBooks Store*. With this service, you can reach more customers than ever.

Please note:

  • ePub files cannot be created from PDFs. To create a market-ready ePub file, AuthorHouse must have the source file in a Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign file.
  • AuthorHouse will make every reasonable effort to make the formatting of the ePub edition reflect the format of the print edition; however, some design elements are not supported in the ePub format. AuthorHouse is not responsible for making changes to the design of the ePub edition.
  • You can purchase this service by selecting one of the Paperback and Hardcover publishing package that includes it. This service is not available as an add-on to other packages or for previously published books.

*To meet submission standards, please review your manuscript thoroughly to ensure spelling accuracy and correct rendering of any diacritical mark such as tilde, caret, acute accent, or the like.
Books written in languages other than Spanish or English are not submitted to iBooks Store due to Apple formatting restrictions. We are currently still trying to work with Apple to resolve this issue.