The Beginning Duncan McAndrews

by Enrico Barale



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 330
ISBN : 9798823088008

About the Book

I was born a mortal on the twenty-first day of October, in the year of fourteen hundred and thirty, in a village in Eskualt, a place that no longer exists. It was a place like any other; farms spread far apart, and clans lived isolated from each other as if they feared that death would come by the hand of one of their own. Duncan McAndrews is not a vampire who is easily found in fantastic literature books. Owner of powerful gifts and founder of a Clan that almost always brings together vampires with a high sense of justice and companionship, his figure is seductive and engaging. A story rich in the scenarios, details, and construction of the characters is capable of holding attention and arousing interest in the next step of each member throughout the reading. For fleeing from the ordinary, not bringing the usual fight between humans and vampires, but the struggle between beings of various natures, CELTICOS - The Beginning proves to us that the theme is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for characters and stories. The surprising ending is, at the same time, the completion of a cycle and the seed of a new story. Good reading.

About the Author

Enrico Barale was born on 6 November 1977. He has dedicated himself to the art of writing since 1996. CELTICOS - THE BEGINNING is his first work of fantastic literature.