Defining Faith

Definition Series Volume 2

by Nanette T. Friend



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/12/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 226
ISBN : 9781665545044

About the Book

Defining Faith is the second memoir of a series depicting the true story of a woman’s personal, spiritual and literal prison. With nearly 2.2 million people suffering behind bars in America today, and that number multiplied of their families and loved ones; Defining Faith is the continued genuine and heartfelt account of the author’s search for truth, hope and promise of a devoted God while incarcerated within a Women’s State Prison. Often compared as the Christian version of “Orange Is the New Black” (Random House Publishing, 2008); detailed and graphic accounts of hard-core prison life are portrayed; while the pain, suffering and fear is far outweighed by the comfort, love and faithfulness of a loving Father.

About the Author

Nanette T. Friend-Miller An Honors Graduate of Central Ohio Technical College, Ms. Friend lives in Reynoldsburg, Ohio with her husband, Daniel (Miller) and their nephew, M.C. The mother of four children, and grandmother to 14; Nanette has been interviewed on Christian television, has been an invited speaker to numerous Christian engagements and events and a former inspirational columnist with four distinctive newspapers. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, she volunteered and would occasionally teach the women’s Bible study at a local county jail. A former mentor for teenage girls in a juvenile court-ordered 13-week program entitled “Rites of Passage”, Ms. Friend also served as manager for a Christian-based youth center “The Rock”, always encouraging and bringing the Good News to many at-risk teenagers. Ms. Friend is a published contributor to the 365-day devotional, Stories of Faith and Courage from Prison (AMG Publishers, 2012); as well the book Life Changing Miracles, (Bethany House, Sept. 2017). Within the pages of these manuscripts, Nanette weaves the compelling true story of heartbreaks and sins, but also the miracles and redemption that only a faithful God can provide, in a place no one could imagine.