The Coward Who Died Once

by Stephen Uzoma Obinna



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/09/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781728327730
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781728327624

About the Book

The Coward Who Died Once, is a story about a big and tall bully who is very creative on injecting fear and torture on his enemies without getting caught.

About the Author

Stephen Uzoma Obinna was born in a small village of Umuajaka Ulakwo, Owerri in Imo State Nigeria . He came to United States in 1989 at his young age.Stephen is a singer, songwriter and instrumentalist and currently have his album Want To Be Free, in all the major online music stores.As a musician, Stephen was one of the musical artists who played at the opening of a popular mall in Worcester Massachusetts in the 90s called Worcester fashion outlet with the invitation of media a result of the event, he earned some write ups from all the local newspapers and magazines and also TV station all in Worcester Massachusetts. Before coming to America, Stephen was a part of a television program called young generation show produced by TV icons named Stoneface Iwuagwu, Teresa Ikpendu and Chukwuma Onuekwusi on Imo Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) In 2010, Stephen secured an interview with one of the most popular Nigerian newspaper called the guardian , titled Hi Life is my Life. Stephen’s entertainment reached some nursing homes in Indianapolis Indiana, Memphis Tennessee and Houston Texas. Stephen Uzoma Obinna is also a Story Teller.