When a Loved One Dies

Principles for Steering through Grief

by Susie Sansom-Piper With Tamara S. Powell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/09/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781728327365

About the Book

A Word At some point in my life, I have endured tremendous sufferings, not bodily sufferings; but, mental sufferings. I have experienced all of the troubles that are in Pandora’s box. Through my belief in God and His Word, I have overcome. I count it all joy for the longevity God has given me. I count it all joy that he has given me the strength to endure and to overcome the fallacies of life. Adopt the motto: “I will be tough on the outside, yet tender on the inside, “ and it will not be difficult to endure. You too, can overcome. Walk daily with the Master. Walk with character, integrity, and lift your head high in the face of difficulties. But as for me, “I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God”. The Author Susie E. Sansom Piper

About the Author

Susie E. Sansom-Piper is an American Author whose writings glean from her life experiences as a teacher, pastor's wife, mother, and musician. She taught school in the Texas public school system for 41 years and has written all of her life. She is most known for her Black History Series published in the Rockdale Reporter for the past 40 plus years, her inspirational plays and her poetry writings used in many churches across Central Texas. Her early traumatic experiences with death, following the sudden loss of her husband in 1968 followed by the tragic death of her youngest daughter in 1970 left her with the responsibility to raise two young children while supporting an invalid father and ill mother. Her faith and determination to persevere gave rise to her plan to inspire other people to continue life in general after a loved One Dies. She has taught general grief sessions in both hospitals and churches over the years.