Embers on the Hearth

by Frances Boricchio



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781546269816

About the Book

The story of Jason McIvers begins in the 1840’s. It follows his life as a trapper, away from civilization and alone in the hills six months out of the year. He is uncouth and unkempt, but to Jason, none of that matters. He is a good man but Jason’s heavy drinking always seems to get him in trouble. Often times a brawl breaks out whenever Jason leaves the hills to sell his furs at Fort Ryerson. As a result, Jason usually ends up in the army’s guardhouse to sleep it off. But during one drunken brawl, someone gets killed and that episode starts Jason on a journey that will change his life forever.

About the Author

FRANCES BORICCHIO is a second generation born in California of Italian decent. She and her husband moved to the beautiful foothills of California 33 years ago. They enjoy the peace and serenity away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Frances is a retired classified school employee and discovered her passion for writing after her retirement. In addition to this book she has published two short story children’s books; “A Box of Red Dominos” and “The Adventure of Rodney and Diane.” Writing this novel has been a thought tucked away in the back of her mind until recently, when “Embers on the Hearth” found its way onto paper and became a reality.