Who I Am

The Four Blocks of My Life

by Horace Armour



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/05/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781546253570

About the Book

In Armour’s lifetime, he has been in difference to the rules of Society; he avoided the pit-falls of quicksand because he forgot the rules of the jungle. Yet, he has wondered the Wilderness of Love. This book tells a story about life. Not just the story of my life, but life in general. Like so many others that have gone down the same road as I. Just like millions more, will follow the path of life, in their very own special way. Armour, being human, knowing that he has made mistakes, still keeps trying to correct his mistakes, all along, knowing that Life is Good and Sweet! And through all of that, Armour was seeking just One Answer. I am sure, that, we have all sat down, and thought, the very same thing about ourselves! “Who I Am?” Now, I sit here, wondering the same thing. Yet! I look back to the Four Stages of my Life, where it all started from, and up until now. That very first question is, did I say this right, “Who I am,” or should it have been, “Who Am I?” Which way is correct, is all up to us! How we talk about one’s self. So I say “Who I AM”!

About the Author