In Spite of . . . Everything

A Young Lady’s Guide to Those Who Came Before

by Tom Barnaba



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/04/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781546232384

About the Book

It is an understatement to say that women are real people with true and great abilities just like men, yet it does seem like forever that we have been debating the rights of women and how they match up against the rights of men. By every reckoning, there is no blockage to the total equality of women to men, yet again, there it is. In spite of everything that has been accomplished, there still exists somewhat of a prejudice. In spite of this prejudice, young women need to know about those great, sometimes not-too-well-known, women who have pushed and prodded and fought like crazy to get today’s women to a spot that would have been unheard of only a relatively short time ago—women who deserve the highest praise, and placed in the highest echelons of respect and honor. And even in politics, women have been able to bring more choices for the voters, with more women being elected as mayors, to county and state legislatures, executive offices, congress, and beyond. And despite the hectic pace and all the infighting, there have been far fewer who have been forced to resign because of incompetence or criminality. Many of the women discussed in these pages could have been even more useful and helpful had they not had faced that word—tradition. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were some team. Their organizational skills and tireless efforts could not have been met with failure. It goes back to Stanton calling a women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. Someday we will truly be a land of equality, practicing what it preaches, and the women will get us there. Hopefully, this book will encourage young women of today to keep up the good fight.

About the Author

Tom Barnaba is an only child born in Brooklyn, New York and raised by a strong and courageous single mother, Helen. It was made clear to him from his youth that women were not only the equal to men, but in many aspects, stronger, and have made very many important contributions to the world. Among her favorites were Eleanor Roosevelt, Katherine Hepburn and Geraldine Ferraro. Due to her hard work, devotion and sacrifice, she managed to put her son through school, including an English degree from Hofstra University and a graduate degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Both schools are on Long Island, New York, where Tom now lives with his wife Elizabeth, yet another strong, courageous, and independent woman. Helen passed away in 2009, but she is not forgotten. Tom has previously written East of the Cross Island: Stretch’d and Basking.