Shadow Standing Over Me the Trials and Tribulations of a Ghetto Child.

by Lady J



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/04/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781524689773

About the Book

I have always considered Hamilton, Ohio home. It is were I was born, raised and been through a struggle, yet I still consider it home. I was “that one” child. That one child who, despite circumstances, pain and sorrow, have preservered and triumphed. While they may not be what you would call triumphs, they are still mine and that through it all - I stand tall and confident in who I am and I LOVE ME and all that I am. This is my story. And for all the time that a story was told about myself, this will shed the light on the truth from the beginning. Some will love it, some will like it and some will hate it and be angry - The truth tends to bring that out in folks. My story is to be an open and living testimony that no matter where you live, what circumstances you are born into, what trials you have gone through - YOU CAN MAKE IT! If you want is bittersweet for me, I learned the hard way that only the strong will WILL kick you in the teeth - either you will stay down, cry and whine about it or get up, rinse out your mouth, put ice on it and keep it moving. Please see my story as a cautionary tale of how to be a better advocate and protector of your children, make better life choices, always keep moving and despite the hard times, God always looks out and protect those who believe. God Bless, Lady J

About the Author

I feel that my life experiences qualifies as a reason for me to write the book. The different situations that I have overcome in my life. I realized a few things about life at an early age The Good The Bad and The Ugly. I seen it I lived it and I overcome so many obstacles from the life. I am the oldest of five children. Born and raised in Hamilton Ohio. Second ward the bottom is what it’s called. It seems that I could stand on every street corner and give you a story about the history of my city. Growing up in the second ward being from the streets and experiencing and surviving so much. So much that if I was standing on a sidewalk beginning as a child with all my friends and we walk up the street. As we continue to walk my friends disappear simply because of the experiences in life. Being incarceration death or drugs. Yes there are success stories but you can’t hear about them or share within if they don’t come around. Meaning the people. I hear it all the time if you were anywhere but Hamilton you would make it! I beg to differ! As crazy as it may sound, taking in account the negative situations that has happened in Hamilton. I felt safe then as I do now. Once you learn how to move around The Belly of the Beast, you learn how to survive...