The Audacity of Conviction

by Joba Akinpelu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/02/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781524670313
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781524670290

About the Book

Yes, indeed, the tomb of Jesus was empty the third day! Is this a myth or a reality? Despised and rejected of men as a blasphemer, was his crucifixion a murder or a sacrifice? He was revered as Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb of God, and the Lion of tribe of Judah! Did Jesus’s personality actually fit the billing of these self-contradictory designations? By inspiration? Does inspiration then automatically confer absolute literary authenticity on every ecclesiastical work selected by few individuals and published in sacred books? To what extent can we rely on this axiom? Made from the rib of Adam? Till this very moment, every male Jew is proud of his heritage of not being born as a woman or as a slave! So is it a burden of inferiority crises to be created as a woman? Most importantly, was Eve really a by-product from the rib of Adam? Homosexuality! The battle rages on, for and against. But is apparent attraction between homosexuals based on sexuality or due to other compelling reasons that result in same-sex couples walking down the aisle to tie the conjugal knot? These and other spiritually burning issues were deeply x-rayed. The work exposes barriers already set up assiduously by traditional beliefs, ideas, and schisms of religious dogmatisms. It challenged time-honored views and rent asunder many a false claim. Therefore, it is not unexpected if its contents attract relentless criticisms and opposition from circles of those already sided with rigidity and hypocrisy of philosophy and religions, particularly those professionally involved in the trade of perfidy. Truthfulness can never breed doubters nor idiosyncrasies of fundamentalism, whose main goal was to enslave minds of other human beings. It is on this basis that readers may recognize the true worth of this work.

About the Author

Joba Akinpelu is a prodigy of sort in the field of his career of choice – accounting practice. As a professional accountant he is consummately prolific and passionately buoyant. Leaving no stone unturned, he rose to the pinnacle of his career and was awarded fellowship of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. A versatile essayist, he knows how to deliver his pinpoint analysis of issues. Therefore if fusion of passionate commitment and talent can produce any great work, Joba must have leaned on both ends to produce a thought provoking work such as this book. His background as a Christian notwithstanding, he still went beyond the shackles of religious dogmatism to shatter all artificially constructed walls which bars the way for those who are genuinely seeking after the truth. For him the sky should be the beginning of our quest for knowledge, namely those who want to gain recognition of Truth. Always motivated to seek and investigate, probe and search, he finally struck the Source that explains why we are here on earth as human beings, in which the fate of everyone is suspended as if by a thousand threads.