Your Ageless Athlete:

Training for Life

by Charles Matthews



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/08/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781524623968

About the Book

This book is about my journey as well as the stories of several other seemingly unathletic, sedentary middle-aged people who, by discovering their own Ageless Athletes inside of them, were able to learn the power of athleticism and its ability to improve how they live their lives. It is a book not only of hope and inspiring stories but also a basic and clear guide on how to discover your own Ageless Athlete, train him or her to achieve athletic goals that you set, and change your entire self-image and way of thinking about life.

About the Author

Charlie Matthews is a baby boomer who knows first-hand the struggles to change and adopt a healthier life and positive outlook. He was a middle-aged, despairing, overweight attorney who smoked a pack of cigarettes in a day. He had never had any athletic ability or desire, and he was able to transform to an Ironman triathlon finisher at age fifty-four. When he was a young child, he had asthma, which prevented him from doing anything athletic due to shortness of breath. While he outgrew the asthma, he went through his teens, twenties, thirties, and half his forties without doing anything athletic to speak of. He had no athletic passions or any other real passions for that matter. In a word, he was miserable most of the time. Then he found his Ageless Athlete, and everything changed. Beginning with small steps of athletic activity, his athletic passion grew, first for running and then for triathlons. This passion then carried over into other aspects of his life, and today he can happily say he has a passion for life. Personal information: —Place of birth: White Plains, New York —Current residence: Lantana, Florida Education: —Archbishop Stepinac High School, White Plains, New York —Fordham University, Bronx, New York (BA degree, magna cum laude) —Columbia Law School, New York, New York (JD degree, law review editor) —Southern Connecticut State University (graduate courses in exercise physiology) Experience: —Two personal training certifications in health —Club owner / operator for two years —Television appearances on health and fitness