The Impending Great Tribulation Apocalypse

by Mike Penrod



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/08/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781524615208

About the Book

“There is one chapter in the book of Revelation, in which all nine subjects, some in imagery, are the same and in the same order as another chapter in the Bible. This explains where we are on the apocalyptic time line.” Mike Penrod The Greatest Suffering the World Will Ever Know There is a social phenomenon occurring now, which is prophetically timed to start accelerating during the four blood moon sequence from 2014 through 2015. This will affect almost everyone; some people may even think they are living in the Great Tribulation Apocalypse before it starts. The split verses are explained.

About the Author

The shepherds at the time of Christ would seem to have been totally unqualified to spread Christ’s gospel to the world. Yet God used some of them. Similar to those shepherds, the author has no seminary background or higher education that would support an interesting look into the scripture. Neither kitchen design, commercial roofing, small-bridge construction, twenty-five years of driving for UPS, nor other miscellaneous work would seem to give the needed insight to writing a book on biblical prophecy. Yet God allowed insight into something so interesting, which he did. He’s been reading scientific explanations on the expanding-foam universe theory, multiverse theory, smooth jazz, praise songs, a little rock and some blues, occasionally sooth. As the years slip by, there is hope that there will be time for hobbies, such as roping and riding moose and surfing the storm waves off North Shore, just waiting for that Medicare and Medicaid to kick in. PS Moose always make for good transportation during an apocalypse, if you can live to get on, hang on and steer.