I Am My Own Superhero

Awaken Your Inner Superhero by Igniting Your Natural Born Superpowers

by Erica Humphrey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/06/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 278
ISBN : 9781524610890

About the Book

I am my own superhero is a dynamic, revealing, straight-up dive into the life of a student who struggled with growing through the school days and life outside of school. Erica shares her personal and professional stories on how she overcame mental health issues (like suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety), peer pressure, and bullying by awakening her inner superhero. This workbook provides stories, formulas, activities, and challenges to share with others on how to awaken their inner superhero to save the day, to overcome life challenges, and to achieve life dreams!

About the Author

Erica Humphrey is an award-winning fitness professional, motivational speaker, and life coach. Erica teaches students, parents, educators, and professionals about how to overcome negative thinking, bullying, and peer pressure by building self-esteem, confidence, and how to ignite your inner superhero through a series of personal-growth activities. Erica has worked with thousands of clients to overcome physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health challenges through empowering others to identify with their superpowers (natural gifts, talents, abilities, and skills.) Erica shares her personal and professional stories to inspire others that anything is possible, to take action to overcome life challenges, and to achieve life goals and dreams! We are all dealt a hand of cards in life. It’s not the hand of cards that determines our destiny; it is how we play those cards. Learn more about this critical life education in I Am My Own Superhero.