Communion of Love

by William Dewberry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/07/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781496928726

About the Book

Communion of Love is an overview of the Bible focusing on God’s plan of redemption from the time of the creation to the end of time. The book provides a view that is written in layman terms and is a comprehensive, easy-to-understand view of redemption and an introduction to God, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, Satan, and the people that were directly involved in God’s plan. May God bless those who love God and are interested in understanding more about the great love He has always had for people.

About the Author

William Edward Dewberry’s life began in 1930, during the Great Depression, in a middle-class family near Cleburne, Texas. His first real experience with the Christian religion occurred when he was nineteen years old and he read the Bible for the first time. His reason for reading was boredom during a stay in the hospital for leg surgery in 1949. He was confined to bed in a small room by himself most of the time without a radio, television, or reading material except for a Bible that was placed in the room by the Gideon Society. He began reading the Bible and was so spellbound by what he was reading that he spent every waking moment reading until he was dismissed from the hospital. For the next few months during his daily activities, his mind dwelled on the Scriptures. He left his job and moved to Dallas, Texas, to live with his mother, who at that time was a regular member of a Protestant church. He attended church with his mother a few times then made his commitment to become a Christian one Wednesday evening, by confessing his faith in Christ and being baptized in water. He has attended two Christian colleges, and he has taught Bible classes and did personal work for the last sixty years. He still loves to teach about the Bible, but at eighty-three years of age, he confines his teaching to writing.