Sickle Cell Natural Healing

A Mother’s Journey

by Tamika Moseley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/09/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781491813911

About the Book

After spending every three months of her newborn's life in the hospital managing his sickle cell disease, Tamika Moseley knew she had to change what she was doing or the hospital would be her second home. In this deeply personal book, Tamika shares her story of the difficult journey she took to find natural ways to treat her son's debilitating disease. Three years since she started using herbs to minimize his sickle cell crises, her son is living a normal, healthy and pain-free life. Whether you have sickle cell disease or the trait, this book will show you what your body needs and how to treat your symptoms so that pain is no longer a part of your vocabulary. As Tamika likes to say, "Knowledge is power!" Sickle Cell Natural Healing: A Mother's Journey gives you the benefit of the wisdom one fearless and determined mother collected so that others suffering with this disease can thrive.

About the Author

Tamika Moseley grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana. At the age of 18 she joined the United States Army Reserve and later received an honorable discharge from the military. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Relations and Business from Amberton University in Garland, Texas. Tamika’s purpose in life is being of service to others. She is a member of Greenville Avenue Church of Christ in Richardson, Texas, where she serves on the Benevolence and Missionary teams. Because her son has sickle cell disease, she has a huge passion to help others in this fight. She wants to share her amazing story with other parents and all who suffer from this disease. Tamika's current focus is teaming up with Dr. Charlie Ware and aiding the sickle cell battle in Africa, where the disease is so prominent. Their main goal is to provide education, guidance and useful information on the importance of natural herbs and how they can help sustain our health while living with sickle cell disease. Tamika and her husband Rodney, and their three beautiful children, live in Dallas, TX.