Reflexion, Everlasting Valentime

A modest proposal...

by Lambent Aspect



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/01/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781481704564

About the Book

Reflexion, Everlasting Valentine: A modest proposal was begun as one valentine to womankind. At publication, it has been designed as the perfect gift. From philosopher to womankind, from a husband to the wife; the hint of proposal, or a wedding gift given enduring the day; a reflection of the past or boasting in its history, the reality of love. Especially created as one philosophical work as to obtain the universal audience, Reflexion, Everlasting Valentime: A modest proposal... had granted the virtue of peace into the life of the author. Growing into one of the most precious breaths of life, the idea persevered to enchant the mind. Concluded as to be one swift read, like valentine, the thought of philosophical treatise has been lighted using epic poetry. Using strict grammar, the entire work had been completed; a book written in active tense about the helping verb. The handwritten manuscript found light in the writing of the final work. The author had designed to illustrate the power of English, and the use of philosophical dynamic to kindle aspiration. What is freedom? Where is wisdom? The mystical aspect abirths I want reflection. And further, to gain poetry as grammatical image. While, to speak freely unto the face of all people unto the hundredth of year. Freedom is to read once, desire it twice, and read it again and again. First, she had been. Finally, she barely appeared to be. One thing had been gained as incomplete, such unity explores times and time once again. Though, I do say. Silence had both and touched each.

About the Author

Existing poet and philosopher, Lambent aspect searches to write timeless literary vignettes. Lambent enters writing as both the literary art form and the immortal witness. The love of wisdom, philosophia, has gained Lambent Aspect to nourish the viewpoint. Women, children, valor, virginity, chastity, and widows. Lambent has begun the quest to establish the likeness of art in literature. Writing, using Lambent Aspect's vignette style, is the refinement of speech. Speech is the result of thought in amount great, beauty is wisdom. Lambent is searching to capture timeless, eternal portraits using English. Emotion, the dynamic soul, love. Serenity has transcended through the verses. And, the desire to peacefully embody all things has triumphed in the modest quest of one lifetime. Nature is to nourish and to flourish, Lambent plays the moment etching divine, epic likeness. Still rather young, the gift of Lambent Aspect grants opportunity to persevering growth. Lambent will desire to translate life and death, light and love, and the wisdom of motion in the eternal body. Lambent Aspect will persevere the decided freedom to use the immortal witness (writing) as art.