How Jesus Was Lost In The Bible …And Found

by Floyd Hale



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781477208847

About the Book

The long "Quest of the Historical Jesus" has come to an end--according to Floyd Hale, the author of HOW JESUS WAS LOST IN THE BIBLE ... AND FOUND. This is a brief review in his own words.

Jesus was the "first Gandhi" (to sum it up in one statement). To make this obvious I first show--"by the Scriptures"--that all the other images and titles laid on Jesus after his death by the Church are false. That takes a few pages of what may be considered boring by some--even heresy by others.

The real Jesus' primary task was to pick and train dedicated followers who would conduct nothing short of a revolution--"nonviolently." Needless to say this would cause enemies, whom they were to "love"--while "hating" their own families. Words like these have caused Bible scholars to miss seeing Jesus applied this kind of teaching to those whom he would "send out," and not to "all believers." Jesus's execution as a seditionist by the Romans stopped the "revolution" before it started. No "sender-outer," no revolution. But the "edited"plans were well remembered and can be gleaned from the Gospels. This reveals the image the "planner."

Jesus was a Humanist and needs to be rescued from the Bible and let stand in History on his own, no longer shackled by religion. One of the purposes of this book is an effort to do just that.

A full Review of "How Jesus Was Lost ... And Found," is Mike Travelstead's Review which follows:


How Jesus Was Lost in the Bible … and Found by Floyd Hale Reviewed by Mike Travelstead, Macedonia, IL

In his latest of several self-published books, The Reverend Floyd Hale has taken on the Herculean task of redefining Jesus the Christ. Having read all of the previous books, which were thought-provoking for truth-seekers, I found this latest volume most compelling, following a consistent logic, using much illustration, explanation, and scriptural reference.

If readers approach the text with an open mind and critical attitude, they will be rewarded with a cogent argument worthy of reflection, one that re-shapes the image of Jesus, who has had a profound and far-reaching effect on the history of our world.

The thesis of How Jesus Was Lost in the Bible … and Found claims that the traditional titles applied to Jesus—Christ, Messiah, Savior, Son of God, Son of Man—by the church are false because the Old Testament “prophecies” did not apply to him nor foretell him. Some liberal Biblical scholars have denied the divinity of Jesus, but maintain that he was a wise teacher. The Reverend Hale goes further by insisting that Jesus commanded his followers not just to “believe”, but to “act”. He trained them to conduct a non-violent revolution designed to change the system, a system which oppressed the poor and suffering. Later leaders, like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., adopted this sacrificial but effective technique. However, Jesus’ plan was aborted by his premature execution.

Hale’s style is conversational, infused with Southern Illinois humor, some references which may not be readily apparent to younger readers. Some analogies, too, are quite instructive. I like especially the football analogy he uses at the end. Hale speculates that Jesus “has a dream," in which he forms a team that will carry the ball, but he dies a moment before kick-off. The game is called for a memorial service. But instead of going back to the field, they continue conducting memorial services. That is powerful.

This plan never came to fruition because, as Hale claims, Jesus’ followers misinterpreted his idea of the Kingdom. As the early church was being established, many different beliefs contended for precedence. The historical figure who virtually single-handedly created the Christian Church as it is known was St. Paul. Completely ignoring the stories of Jesus’ miraculous birth, Paul emphasizes the resurrection as the basis of his faith, hoping for eternal salvation sometime in the future. Hale maintains that Jesus’ preaching of the Kingdom defines “eternal” as “now”—the Kingdom of God is here right now. This definition of “eternal” may not be the common perception, but Joseph Campbell, the late world renowned expert on world mythology and important influence on George Lucas’ Star Wars, also defines “eternal” as the “here and now.”

Floyd Hale is no stranger to controbersy. His writing and preaching over the years have created no small amount of unrest, readers and listeners experiencing bewielderment, disbelief, and even anger. But he has kindly and courageously held the line. His background is much like many of us who grew up in the traditional church environment, a literal reading of the Bible, with apparent contradictions which were not allowed to be questioned, fear instilled by a wrathful God who punishes and rewards. Hale entered seminary with a desire to "preach the word" and perpetuate the system, but his God-given intellect forced him to reconsider the orthodoxy. This has led him on a lifelong quest for truth, but it is a difficult and sometimes lonely road, "the road not taken" as Robert Frost would have it.

Others have written on similar topics. One especially like it is Why Christianity Must Change or Die by John Shelby Spong, retired dishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark. Spong maintains that in light of scientific advancement and modern biblical criticism, the church must implement this knowledge or become irrelevant, or even extinct. Floyd Hale may have the idea that could solve this problem.

About the Author


From my seminary days (over a half century ago) I learned to study the Bible critically—applying the modern tools of Literary Analysis. I found that learning the truth in the Bible depends on knowing the truth about the Bible. When I learned there was no Garden of Eden, a serpent didn’t strike out and bite me. He just grinned and slowly walked away—before God cut his legs off. Learning the truth about the Bible is not hard; it’s living with those facts—especially for a preacher—that can put a kink in one’s life-style.

For over thirty years I wrote a weekly column (The Bible Says . . .) in newspapers across Southern Illinois, answering questions on the Bible, and that put a kink in my reputation as a pastor.

I affiliated myself with the Society of Biblical Literature and followed closely the work of the Jesus Seminar group (Westar Institute) then in California. Not teaching, nor planning to write, I studied strictly for my own learning. I kept few notes and no bibliography. (Sorry ’bout that.) I trust the truth to stand on its own. If anything I say herein is not the truth, forget it. I’m going to tell it like it is—whether it is or not. The problem is getting it published, for I’m not an accredited scholar—nor the son of a scholar.

To make my thesis clear and convincing I must go into great detail most of the time. I’ll quote a lot of scripture, for only theirin lies Jesus. This makes for heavy reading (especially in the first section), but all of this must go into print—I have found this material nowhere (except in bits and pieces in commentaries). I will use several footnotes (I don’t like “notes” in a ‘separate book’—in the back.) I don’t even like footnotes, but I feel I should add them regularly for explanation’s sake. I’ll also give scripture references (I don’t like these in the text.) I realize many more scriptures can be quoted which contradict mine. More background information is provided in the Epilogue.

I am vain enough to believe I’ve learned something about Jesus that has so far been missed. I’d hate to take it into the grave with me (I’m now 89). This might jump-start the Quest for the Historical Jesus into one more—“last”—session. This would not be the expected “happy ending,” but it might reveal who Jesus really was—the way he saw his contribution to the human good. It pains me to see Jesus’ name used by millions who just want to escape from reality. In spite of his rejection and suffering, Jesus enjoyed life—“with sinners” (anyone then not actively religious. That was this vast herd of “sheep without a shepherd.”)

It was not his life he wanted to share with “believers” in some “spiritual” way. He wanted to free up the dominated economy which required the poor to bid with the rich for bread. He tried to change the economy—“this world”—into the economy of the kingdom of God—“as it is in heaven” (to put it in ideal terms). He was not a Socialist, just a Humanist who wanted a level playing field on which his “Heavenly Father’s children” could enjoy "abundant life." In my detailed explanation of Jesus’ ministry I am not selling his religion—for I think he had none. And I am not telling folks to go to church and get it, for it’s not there. I just want Jesus understood—for historical purposes.