by T J Henley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/06/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 634
ISBN : 9781468582802
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 634
ISBN : 9781468582819

About the Book

Set in the period 2012 – 2035 is based on a war between the Rigilion Empire and people of Earth which has been on-going for 3500 years when Emperor Kane last attacked the Earth. Earth is destroyed and the humans now live on Mars with the old Martians. Prof Mike Anderson is sent into deep space to find a new home and help for the humans. He finds the Federation of Planets and the Old Martians who left Mars 3800 years ago after the first war with the Rigilions. Emperor Kane is now out of his long, 3500 year sleep in charge of the Rigilion Empire and now rules it as it was in his youth, barbarically.

The Old Ones were a very advanced civilisation, also very interested in Earth, formerly Utopia and left our galaxy 25000 years ago. The Federation have been waiting thousands of years for their return, and searching for the right man to do this job. When Prof. Mike Anderson is brought to Mirad, the capital planet of the Federation, the High Priests realise their long wait has come to an end. After long talks and learning more of him, Prof. Mike Anderson is named the Chosen One. It is up to him to defeat Emperor Kane and bring peace to the galaxy.

To accomplish this, he will need all the help he can get from Admiral Hayes and King Ramesses IV on Mars. The only way back is through the Miranda Gate, but it is locked closed and in the middle of the star Miranda, the same star Emperor Kane sent into their system to destroy the Earth. Mike must retake planets that have been under Rigilion control for thousands of years and try to overthrow Emperor Kane. He must accomplish this and find the Light Bearer, who will assist him in bringing back the Old Ones from where they have been for the past 25000 years. However, if they bring back the Old Ones, will they help the current people of the galaxy move forward, take over the galaxy themselves or bring another species with them who might be deadlier than the Rigilions?

About the Author

I am 62 and a retired Electrical Engineer. I used to make control panels, mainly for the MOD and nuclear power stations. I have a University Degree in Maths and Physics and I enjoy reading all about Quarks and what they could do to drive a ship through space. When I was 17 I sent my first spaceship design to NASA with a picture of a model my friend and I built. Three years later, I saw a photo of what looked very much like my spaceship on the front cover of Spaceflight, (a BIS production), it was an artist’s impression of what the Space Shuttle would look like when it was built. I then sent two more designs to NASA, which were interplanetary ships, very large and able to get close to the speed of light. I believe that one day we will get to see the stars close up and travel far into space.

My main interests are astronomy, photography and model building; I also enjoy reading SF and Horror, I really enjoy Stephen King and have a very good imagination. I like to watch films, mainly Sci-Fi, but I also love Harry Potter and action films.

When I write books, I see them as a film in my head, knowing what the book will be like from beginning to end. Being an Electrical Engineer and knowing how electricity is made and with my degree in physics, it helps me when I design engines that take ships well past the speed of light. When writing space battles, I also have to create new types of weapons, guns and the ships themselves. The ships have to be realistic, for their size and the engines that power them and their weapons have to work. I like the reader to see how the weapons work and what the energy beams do to an enemy ship and how the ship breaks up when it’s destroyed. Not all ships disintegrate to minute pieces, large sections will still survive and they have to go somewhere, even if it is into the path of another ship. I also like to show the reader, in slow motion sometimes, how Intelligent Torpedoes get into a ship and go about blowing it up. It’s better than a single line, telling the reader that a torpedo hit the ship and it blew up.

I like to write long books, 200,000 words plus because I think the reader deserves to get a lot of detail in the book and leave nothing to the reader’s imagination; that is the writer’s job. I also believe for the price of books today, the reader should get good value for the money they have to pay and take a few days at least to read my books. I like my readers to get into my books, see what is happening as if they are watching a film and get really stuck in and excited. Most of all, I want my books to be believable, even if the story is placed in the distant future.

Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with an Epidurmoid Cyst inside my spinal column and given eight weeks to live. Three major operations later on my spine, I’m still here but in a great deal of pain due to the damage done to my nervous system. I then had four operations on my left foot due to a rare form of cancer and now have half a left foot. Through it all, I fought on with the love and support of my wife and family. Now I spend my days in a wheelchair, using my imagination to escape the pain I’m in every day.

I’m a Member of the BIS (British Interplanetary Society) and BUFORA, (British Unidentified Flying Object Research Association). Yes, I do believe I have seen two UFO’s over the UK. I don’t think there is an enormous Universe for just us to be in, it not only would be a total waste of space, but we cannot be alone! I have written two papers on Black Holes and the Multiverse and have my own ideas on Dark Energy.

I am married to Angela who is also my career and best critique. We have five children who are all grown up and four grandchildren. Having lived in Bristol, UK all my life, the nights are still dark enough without too get some good work done.