Break and Run

by Bobby Hodge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/05/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781468596212
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781468596229

About the Book

For the average young black man growing up in the southern United States during the 60’s was to realize that the oppressive Jim Crow laws that dehumanized and degraded black people and their ancestors of the past, was still very much enacted and very active in and around Crawford. A southern rural Community approximately 10 miles west of Phenix City, Alabama the unchallenged idea of prevalence in the white society had uncompromising and terrible physical rebuttal for its victims. Bobby L. Hodge, Jr. Has attempted to illustrate a very diabolical but realistic fiction depicting the life and times of Jesse Hodge during the tremulous times of his life, Faced with oppression, Jesse was rebellious and criminally cunning. Determined by his fate to live a life on his own terms, he constantly found himself in a desperate attempt to elude the law, but his less than evasive karma surrounding the life in which he had created for himself was too great to overcome

About the Author

Mr. Bobby L. Hodge Jr. a native of Crawford Alabama a small rural area about ten miles west of Phenix City Alabama. He has written an epic novel of realistic fiction about the life and times of his brother during the Jim Crow times growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. Mr. Hodge also dibbles into his own life briefly, and is now a successful business owner and operator of Bobby’s Hair Styles in Columbus, GA. He is an accomplished stand up comedian, a father of four children and Grandfather to eight grandchildren. Break and Run is Mr. Hodge’s first novel, but writing is like a drink of wine and the intoxication has taken effect therefore you can expect more of his writings.