by Rev. Martin Francis Edior



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/03/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781468572001

About the Book

The Journey of the Holy Spirit is based upon the activities and the appearance of God Almighty and Maker of the Universe. God manifested himself into the womb of a virgin girl named Mary, after one of God’s devoted angels made His announcement to her. She gave birth to a baby boy and they called him Jesus. He grew up in a town called Nazareth. He worked with His father Joseph as a carpenter. At the age of thirty, Jesus began His ministry as He taught the people to love and to forgive. He healed many sick and afflicted, He also performed a lot of divine deeds. Within three years the public opinion turned against Him. He was at the age of thirty-three when they made false accusations on Him about His ministry. The Jewish leaders after many attempts captured Him and convinced King Herod to have Him crucified. The King refused and turned Him over to them who then whipped and tortured Him mercifully. They passed judgment on Him and found Him guilty. He was crucified as He gave up His spirit on the cross but in three days after His crucifixion, He arose from the borrowed tomb and appeared unto His believers and told them death had no claim on Him. He said, “I am alive! Go into the uttermost part of the world and testify, teach, preach and heal all who believe in Me…”

About the Author

Minister. Martin Edior is a native of the West indies, and island named Trinidad and Tobago. He is the eldest of eight children .He first received his anointing with the Holy Spirit at the age of 11 years under a large tent at a Revival church service in his little village called Piparo. As he grew into adult-hood, he realized that he has healing hands for when ever he lays his hands on the sick or afflicted they would be healed. Minister Martin Edior loves to pray and lay his hands on the sick and afflicted. He was encouraged by a wonderful friend and Pastor to join his fold which he did and another great friend and Pastor which licensed him to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was then ordained by one of the greatest Bishops in the jurisdiction. The Holy Spirit began visiting Minister Martin as he begun writing the messages as they are revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Kindly get one of his issues and see for yourselves and be blessed by the Holy Spirit